HCS: Season 2 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Bringing this **** up again is really unnecessary... Said the pot to the kettle. :schnitzel:
    WaiHo likes this.
  2. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Updates are being made to help improve balance on the HCS version of Shrine. Based on feedback from professional players, this new variant will be integrate into HCS play starting with ESL Cup #5, taking place on June 6-7. To avoid confusion during this weekend’s cup, the final map variants will be uploaded to both the "ForgeHub LIVE" and "Official HCS" File Shares on today, June 1. Come next week, this version will be replaced, an Assault-friendly variant will be added, and the old variants will be removed. You can easily identify the new version of Shrine by looking at the new wall aesthetics connecting blue base to blue snipe hut below,

    This wall provides symmetry so players can't throw the ball off the map.[​IMG]
    Below: new geometry (Pillar) added to provide more symmetrical structural cover at rocks on red side.



    To download new versions of HCS forge maps and a variety of other great content from the community please follow ForgeHub's official gamertag:ForgeHub LIVE

    As of the latest CU, all gamer tags can now be accessible via the new "search" feature on the top right corner of your roster screen. Just make sure to click on YOUR gamer tag and not "Game Session".

    This map update includes some great changes like making red rock spawns more symmetrical to blue side by adding some geometry to the space. While this update is a step in the right direction I feel that there are still some other changes that I think would benefit the spawning on this map which I'll list below.


    • When standing at the pistol shoot, red side has some respawn points which are visible. These spawn points should be placed behind rock cover like the blue base (image provided below).

    • The spawn points at the pistol shoot could be removed because they make center ring too accessible off on the respawn. The mausoleum is a power position and there are many ways to gain access to it. These spawn points are unnecessary and allow players to gain entry too easily, reducing the effectiveness of control a team or player establishes here.
    • Another area that could benefit from some alteration is the 'Forced Anti-Resawn Zone' at rocks. If you look at the image below you will see that this zone is 5 units wide in diameter on Blue side however this same zone is sized as 4.2 on Red side. The zones serve to reduce the chances for players to be spawning in these zones. Currently the blue side has a slight advantage over red as a players are less likely to spawn in this dangerous location.
    To download new versions of HCS forge maps and a variety of other great content from the community please follow ForgeHub's official gamer tag:
    ForgeHub LIVE

    What do you think of these suggestions? What other changes would you like to see to the Shrine spawning system?
    #562 WAR, Jun 1, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2015
  3. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    According to Dan Ayoub, part of the reason they chose to make Remnant is because of "just how well that map works for esports and just how excited our pro team and our pro players were about us using that map", and it's "absolutely being considered" for inclusion in the HCS. :surprise:
    11 minute mark - http://www.podtacular.com/media/podtacular-485/

    He can't be serious....
    theSpinCycle and Psychoduck like this.
  4. Orzium

    Orzium Mythic

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    omfg, they are so dumb! it has frame rate on it, its a fooking map that is included in the team anniversary playlist which is 4v4. These guys are idiots.
  5. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    Perhaps the funniest part is that right before Mr. Ayoub gave that explanation, a guy from Certain Affinity that worked on it said they chose it because of how well it plays BTB. :tedium:
    TheElderAcorn and Orzium like this.
  6. Box Knows

    Box Knows Mythic
    Senior Member

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    Remnant would be great for HCS

  7. Jesus in Malibu

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    Its funny because neither of these statements are true.

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The Bottom measurement of the 'Forced Anti-Resawn Zone' at rocks does not even enclose the respawn points. (might be a different zone i am looking at)
  9. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I think you may be looking at a different zone. The 'Forced Anti-Respawn' zone has a 1 unit bottom measurement and affects the respawn nodes underneath.
    #569 WAR, Jun 2, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2015
  10. WarlordWossman

    WarlordWossman Legendary

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    343 at its finest again

    you guys can't even tell how much I love them
  11. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    #CheChouMustGo and #DanAyoubMustGo should be trending in all Halo circles... These two are incompetent ****tards of the highest degree.
  12. RegrettedKarma6

    RegrettedKarma6 Recruit
    Senior Member

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    This would be pretty comical if it wasn't so concerning...
  13. Jesus in Malibu

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    Might as well throw #JoshHolmesMustGo into this pool too. He's another ****face that's convinced that the casualization of Halo by including **** like sprint, thruster, etc. is what's best for the series. He's a huge influence on why Halo 4 and Halo 5 are what they are today and I wouldn't be surprised if he has some sort of pull on the competitive scene as well.
  14. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Som cool news, ForgeHub recently affiliated with ESL so we're going to be sharing a lot more HCS related activity on here working with them. Today their community manager, Jessica, posted a new article regarding Saturday's HCS cup #5 and some cool new raffle gear for any team placing in the top 16! Oh and $3k in prizing...can't forget about that;)
    #574 WAR, Jun 4, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2015
    theSpinCycle likes this.
  15. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ***** and moan about Holmes all you want, he's not in the same league as those other guys. Che Chou and Dan Ayoub are incompetent hacks that continue to mismanage their job time and again, and worse yet, lack any semblance of logical processing capability. Josh Holmes, however, is a very talented and intelligent person. You may not agree with his vision of Halo, but he sure as hell is far from incompetent. Besides, his hands (much like most higher-ups at 343i) are tied by corporate when it comes to the overall direction the franchise is going. He may back sprint and thruster and everything else you hate about H5, but he's not the one putting it there. It's entirely out of his pay grade.
  16. FrostPhoenix0

    FrostPhoenix0 Mythic
    Senior Member

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    As someone who has not followed it all that closely, can anyone explain to me the reason for hate towards specific 343i employees?
  17. coIdFUSI0N

    coIdFUSI0N Guest

    I imagine it ranges from not being truthful on Twitter to weak justifications for the direction of Halo 5 multiplayer #IMMERSION.
  18. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    At 343i staff involved with HCS, strictly because of their incompetence. Between how they manage events, manage the settings, manage the maps, and how they communicate with the fanbase and stakeholders (such as forgers, who they royally screwed), there is not a shed of competence in any of them.

    At 343i staff involved with H5, well... Because some fanboys are ignorant. Simple as that. They're like Republicans (or Democrats) that hate the other party simply for the virtue of being of different opinion and refuse to acknowledge any possible good in them.
    Xandrith likes this.
  19. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  20. FrostPhoenix0

    FrostPhoenix0 Mythic
    Senior Member

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    That's fair enough. I don't get why communication with a fanbase is so difficult, or just very undervalued.

    I may get some flak for this, but I quite enjoyed the H5 beta. I'm not exactly a Halo purist, and I just love playing the games. The story is great, and the gameplay is not SO remarkably different between games to turn me off. Though if the desires of the community at large are consistently ignored, I can see that it may stretch the friendship a little (or a lot, as it seems).

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