350 solid objects? lol. And I felt so proud of reducing the pieces in my map from 599 to 514. Uploaded it anyway but it doesn't even matter
Haha, trust me I have my fair share of Infection maps that have 500+ plus pieces on it, but you're right Zandril, in the end it just doesn't even...
Nice to see there's people out there who are interested in the infection maps and the community. Also I would like to say thanks for tagging in this, I am interested in making infection maps but don't see myself making many infection maps atm due to the issues with the game, but I will try my best to make at least one map to submit
This is the map im refining for an infection game. The game type is going to have an alpha flood off the start and players will be holding out in the station. I have already made some changes to this map from the video.
@LazyStudio Not bad, though it seems you have quite a few open areas which can be particularly game-breaking when it comes to Infection. Might I suggest scaling-down and condensing the map? Might also save you a few extra pieces, which is always useful when it comes to our faithful friend the MCC.
A few guys over at the Gravemind Forge Community went ahead and made a video on this one infection map I've been working on as of late. The map isn't quite finished but the video will give you a general idea for the most part. --- Double Post Merged, May 23, 2015 --- And yes Foxy Papa Smurf, I was inspired by your use of hangman
Recently updated Blockhaus for this Map Name: Blockhaus Gametype: Last stand Object count: Solids (around 300) Total (around 430) Leaderboard: Halo CE, Pillar of Autumn, Easy http://www.forgehub.com/maps/blockhaus.547/
Good luck to all forgers in the hopes of getting an entry! Seeing your map in Matchmaking is one of the most rewarding feelings a forger can possibly get. I won't be able to give it a try obviously, since I don't have an Xbone, but I wish all of you guys the best of luck!
Believe me, I would, but I really don't have the money to afford an Xbox or even a proper TV for that matter. I'm just a poor student... I might have a way to make some extra money by July but nothing is certain. As soon as I can, I will get the game and start making maps again! I wouldn't want to miss out on Anniversary's forge, I have so many plans for maps! And I will definitely be back by the time of Halo 5. That's for sure!
INFECTION WORKS! For real now! Just played a 500+ Piece map (Super detailed Port Koll) flawlessly for 3 rounds with 10 players
Played some Infection maps with 16 players and the games work. But the maps had like 430 or something pieces. Now all we need to know is if Infection will work with 16 players on a map that has way more pieces.
Damn. Where is my money when I need it? --- Double Post Merged, Jun 1, 2015 --- I can try and help with that. If I remember correctly I believe I was able to trace back some of the creators of classic maps back when I was looking for maps to play in BIOC lobbies.
Make sure to provide a gametype with your maps guys. I need to know what the gametype is so I can test them.
I actually made a map and gametype for this! It is kind of like Swordbase, just with a decreased size (no sprint in H2A) and different looking (destroyed and realistic looking temple structure). Then me and a friend began testing it with the gametype which is a remake of the most favourite gametype in Halo 3 double EXP weekend's event Living Dead, 'Braaains!'. We tested some things out like jump height of the zombie and damage modifiers etc., and then at one minute remaining the music begins.... The music that nobody needs, sounds terrible and destracts from sounds near you. That's not even the worst thing. I totally could enjoy it if it was more quiet and actually stops after the end of each round! But no, it keeps going for the rest of the game! I already disgraced this addition in Halo 4, but that they actually care it over to H2A and make it so dominant? I couldn't believe it. Same ignorant thing from in the matter of the medals, but that's another topic. So I built this map on the outer section of Awash, where you don't hear anything. I thought it'd give the map a nice touch and make the gameplay even more thrilling. But the music completely destroys the feeling you should get from playing this map... Now I think about making a Halo 3 map plus the original 'Braaains!' gametype since they fortunately didn't change too many things about Halo 3... I miss the good ol' days.
I have a modified, straight-forward Hivemind-ish, classic Zombie's type of gametype that I have just been using across the board. Not exactly to be 'the gametype', but just something that's better than the Default Infection. I'll be uploading the new 'Port Koll' onto my file share probably later tonight for testing, as well as 'Plaque' (Video above^) and a Last Stand map named 'Iota' are up and ready to go, while I also have other Infection maps in the works. Would like to get involved in some of the tests Paints!