Reworking the Forge UI

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cookies4you, May 16, 2015.

  1. cookies4you

    cookies4you Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    Just an idea to improve Halo's Forge UI.

    Compare the two of these:

    Halo 2A

    Halo 3

    Halo 2A has a problems with its number selection, it takes too damn long to select big numbers.

    Halo 3 avoids that issue, but it has its own problem. It's too damn hard to select small numbers.

    Now, H3 uses a [hover], [select], then [change] system. H2A uses a simpler [hover] then [change] system.

    What can be done to fix this? Switch it to a H3 selection system.

    Instead, rework the [change] process. Switch it from a progressive system from (1 <-> 100 <-> -100 <-> -1 <-> 0 <->...) into a numeral changer.

    [+] [0] [0] [0] [0].[0] [0] = +0.00

    After the [select] process, left and right moves the cursor a decimal place.

    [+] [0] [0] [0] [0].[0] [0] = +0.00

    [+] [0] [0] [0] [0].[0] [0] = +0.00

    [+] [0] [0] [0] [0].[0] [0] = +0.00

    Up and down changes the value.

    [+] [0] [0] [0] [0].[0] [0] = +0.00

    [+] [0] [0] [0] [0].[1] [0] = +0.10

    The leftmost value determines whether the number is positive or negative.

    [+] [0] [0] [0] [0].[1] [0] = +0.10

    [-] [0] [0] [0] [0].[1] [0] = -0.10

    What do you guys think of this proposition?
    #1 cookies4you, May 16, 2015
    Last edited: May 17, 2015
  2. thefro3po

    thefro3po Well Known
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm so confused I had to reply, wtf are you talking about?
    Chronmeister and WAR like this.
  3. cookies4you

    cookies4you Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    Just polishing something for how I think Halo 5's Forge UI should work before sending it to the Reddit people.
  4. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I often have a problem of holding up and to the right with systems like these, and next thing I know in at 11,111.11

    Edit: missed the [select] part.. Seems like it would work but I'm not sure if I would prefer it. best of luck :)
  5. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Why do we even have the ability to set negative numbers as spawn sequences? I see your point but I wouldn't focus on the small issues when bringing this to reddit. I was very excited when I clicked on your thread because I thought you were going to address forge's UI system and list a wider range of improvements and suggestions. The way we select numbers is too insignificant of an issue to focus on, please zoom out of the proverbial microscope and identify the more important issues and how they can be improved on. For example, what rhymes with "flame late"?

    If I had to choose something to improve on in terms of UI - I'd like rotation to communicate with angle adjustment. The gimbal rotation tool from Unreal Engine would be fantastic in forge and would allow us to direct our angle adjustments to the x, y or z plane.

    #5 WAR, May 17, 2015
    Last edited: May 17, 2015
    Chronmeister and cookies4you like this.
  6. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ^^^ the angle thing would be amazing. If you could angle a block to be a 27 degree incline and then rotate it to be facing 45 degrees it would be sooooo much easier
  7. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    if you've ever used this tool you'll never want to part from it;) It should be in every system that involves rotating objects. Also, I think its time we're given some kind of terrain editing tool. Would hate :343: / CA to feel like they are copying other games though :-/

    Wow, I wish I had the original xbox 1 and FarCry 1 to use this super cool advanced terrain editor!!! Xbox One (really Xbox 3) can't handle the superior editing tool on the true Xbox 1. Get the original Xbox 1 system now! Only 20 bucks on ebay:
    #7 WAR, May 17, 2015
    Last edited: May 17, 2015
  8. cookies4you

    cookies4you Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    Sadly, I've never worked with the Unreal engine.

    Wanna explain the tool to me?

    Besides that, H2A's Forge UI is clunky and slow in general. For one, there's too many damn folders.

    What I really want to see is a Halo 3 style "Page" system for modifying objects, where you can press LB or RB to change setting pages instead of clicking buttons to get to other folders.

    [1] [2] [3]

    -RB- is pressed

    [1] [2] [3]

    General stuff like respawn time and color would be on Page 1, advanced stuff would be on Page 2, scripting on Page 3, etc.

    Also, I'm looking under a microscope because I've noticed how painful scripting and timers are to work with.

    Anyhow, I think this thread should be a general discussion affair, rather than just a "look at the OP and read what he says" type of thing.

    That way, we can save whatever ideas we have here before posting them elsewhere.
    WAR likes this.
  9. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    awesome to hear Cookies and I agree...we do need more attention to detail when it comes to UI stuff because this is something we work with on a day to day basis. I'd like to have LB and RB controls for numbers but thats such a minor quality of life improvement. I really want to start addressing the larger issues at hand. Instead of creating a mass repository of all of the little things we could fix, why not concentrate on the most important parts? What do you think is the largest draw back that can be improved upon?
  10. cookies4you

    cookies4you Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    In terms of UI, I think what needs the most improvement is Item Selection.

    Web design 101 taught me something, K.I.S.S, or Keep It Simple Stupid.

    We have folders within folders within folders within folders. Then, after going through, we have a giant mess of choices.

    For instance, this is how you select a "Block, 10x10".

    Place Object Menu (10 choices) -> Structure (5 choices) -> Building Blocks (32 choices) -> Block, 10x10

    There is a huge amount of optimization that can be done here, as well as multiple ways of doing it.

    1. The Structure Tab could be split into 5 different pages, encompassing "Building Blocks", "Bridges and Platforms", "Decorative", "Doors, Windows, and Walls", and "Inclines".

    2. Blocks could instead be condensed one modular pieces that can be extended in multiple directions. That way, you can have a "Block, 7 x 8 x 2" if you needed it.

    Personally, this is what I want to see. Instead of having 32 blocks of differing measurements, you could instead have 8 modular blocks with different textures. For example:

    I. Blank (Halo 5, Orion / Pegasus)
    II. Concrete (Halo 2A)
    III. Digital (Halo 5, Crossfire)
    IV. Factory (Foundry)
    V. Forerunner (Reach)
    VI. Sandstone (Sandbox)
    VII. UNSC (Halo 4)
    VIII. YOLO (Random example)

    If modular structure blocks become a reality, then many other items can removed. Things like Walls, Windows, Ramps, Trims, Glass Panels, and Bridges are all items with multiple variants that can be reduced to one customizable block.

    This would also extend to something like Respawn Zones, which can be compressed from 7 items to 1. Two simple options to set its strength (weak, medium, force) and behavior (respawn, anti-respawn) would be fine. That's 6 less items.

    The two Safe Area and Kill Area Boundaries could also be condensed from 4 items to 1, resulting in 3 less items

    The 9 radius-based Scripting Triggers could be reduced to 1. The 6 Timers can also be reduced, as can the 3 Switches. That's 15 less items.

    3. Alphabetize the items. This is how the Decorative folder is ordered:

    Antenna (2, it has 2 objects in this family), Brace (3), Colum (1), Cover (3), Railing (3), Teleporter Frame (1), Strut (1), Large Walkway Cover (1), Race Checkpoint Arch (2), Glass Panel (5), Trim (3).

    There's almost a pattern, but then everything screws up in between.

    This is very noticeable when looking in the weapons folders.

    I'll come up with a drawback about non-UI problems later.
    #10 cookies4you, May 17, 2015
    Last edited: May 17, 2015

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