(Map preview) Armadillo Roll

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Erupt, May 3, 2015.

  1. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    First off, the name of the map was a project named because I saw a video of an armadillo curling up and rolling around earlier in the day when I started building.

    Secondly, I started with the central structure and thought it would be a good top mid for a Guardian/Lockout style map, but I quickly went back to drawing inspiration from Quake maps. I'm not sure how many players it will support (scaling in this game is different from what I am used to), but it is currently set up for 4v4. If it's not obvious, I'm fairly rusty, so I'm not sure if I want to continue on with this map or not. I am currently working on getting the barebones of another design laid out, so I guess we will see. Let me know what you think!
    thefro3po, Psychoduck and WAR like this.
  2. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Nice asymm man, you put things in your fileshare? I'd like to give this one a test sometime. I'm liking the layout so far. I have some reservations about the top position but thats about it. Love the layout so far.
  3. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Erupt is forging again? :surprise:

    This looks neat. It reminds me stylistically of the Reach forge era which is cool. I like the open-air, vertical nature of the map. The rocket platform looks really dangerous which is probably a good thing. The drop-down and bottom hallway should create some interesting encounters, and I like the way the arch blocks LoS on Overshield from Sentinel Beam. The curvy geometry is pretty cool looking to boot. I'm actually getting a bit of a Damnation vibe from the interior spaces along the one side of the map. I'd love to play this, looks like it could be a lot of fun for KoTH, Ball, and Slayer.

    Add me back on Xbox, maybe? GT is still The Psycho Duck.
  4. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It is not in my fileshare at the moment because I'm being lazy with the finishing touches. When I loaded it up in a custom game everything shifted really bad which I didn't feel like fixing at the time (also why I recorded in forge) and I haven't set up static weapon timers yet.

    I also have fears of the top position being too powerful but I wasn't going to pass final judgement on it until I got a game on the map. I feel like enough of the map is out of its sight that it might not be too much of a power position, but it could go either way. Two things I have considered to remedy it if it is an issue are lowering it slightly so it is more exposed to the rocket platform and the sniper tower and I can also add in the mancannon from the rockets up to the top position I originally had.

    Yessir :)

    I'm not surprised since I have hardly touched forge since! I noticed you guys all said that about Eightball's map as well, lol. I'm not sure what about our maps it is but I agree they distinctly have a Reach vibe.

    That platform was actually originally brute shot platform until I realized how dangerous it was so I gave it a more enticing reward, hehe :)

    I see what you mean about Damnation! That never crossed my mind, I just really liked the idea of one half of the map being a more solid structure for orientation purposes.

    I will certainly add you both next time I am on, as well as hopefully get this into my fileshare. My new GT is Frantjc.

    Does anyone have any estimates on how many people this would play comfortably?
    WAR and Psychoduck like this.
  5. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    I'm pretty sure you could do 4v4 on here.
    Psychoduck likes this.
  6. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    My only concern with 4v4 is that a majority of safe spawns will likely be within the interior portion of the map which could make things somewhat lopsided. Scale-wise this absolutely looks like a 4v4 to me, though.
  7. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nostalgia fills the air, gents. Erupt is forging again just like the old days. Welcome back, bro! Loving the map I must say. Hit me up on live and we can catch up. You better still forge 1v1 maps, too. None of this 4v4 nonsense ;)
    Psychoduck likes this.
  8. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    I really like your triangle hallway :3
  9. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Duck and Chunk: Thanks for the input, I tried to even out the spawns but I'm afraid you might be right Duck. I guess we will see.

    Eightball: This was supposed to be a 1v1, but it ended up huge just like my last attempt :( like I said, my scaling skills are rusty lol

    Multi: Thank you :) I want a different piece to use in place of the platform y small but most other objects stick out of the map in other places :/
  10. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks pretty cool. Nice to see an original asym for a change. Quake seems to be the best place to draw inspiration from with this game. I used this tactic myself on my 1v1's. Anyway, I'm working on an asym and could use your help testing and giving feedback. I'll add you.
    #10 Chronmeister, May 5, 2015
    Last edited: May 6, 2015

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