Community Favorites - April

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by a Chunk, May 3, 2015.

By a Chunk on May 3, 2015 at 1:48 PM
  1. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    We apologize for the minor delay in revealing April's Community Favorites. The server issue we experienced late in the month disrupted the Community Favorites process, and as a result it started later than normal, and results came in later than normal.
    Here are the 10 maps that were available to receive your votes:


    The previous Community Favorites had been dominated by either submission from the 1v1 contest, or 4v4 maps built for HCS. This month showcased a wider variety, with a good mixture of 1v1 and 4v4 maps, remakes, inspired by's, and original designs, and a puzzle map to top it off.

    1st PLACE
    $30 Xbox Live Cash Awarded!

    by MultiLockOn
    View Map Thread

    The metal master race comes out on top, with Trinity as it's winning representative!
    Trinity features towering walkways which house the maps power weapons. These walkways leave players very exposed, while the lower pathways offer greater cover which gives players the ability to move around this relatively open map unseen. The white trench seen in the picture above is a speed trench which shoots you quickly across the map and lift you up to the shorter of the two Sniper walkways. It tons of fun to use, but you'll be rightfully punished should you used it at the wrong time.
    As our first place winner, with a total of 45 points, Trinity has earned a spot amongst our Featured Maps, and MultiLockOn has earned himself $30 Xbox Live Cash. Congrats!!

    2nd Place
    by Psychoduck
    View Map Thread

    Behind the Sun was initially started during the ForgeHub 1v1 Map Contest. It started out as a bad map. It was literally called 'A Bad Map', and while it certainly wasn't amongst the worst 1v1 maps of all time, the name fit the quality of the map fairly well. After the contest was complete, and Psychoduck had seen and played on many of the 1v1 maps submitted to the contest, he took what he had learned from his experiences and began a major redesign. The map retained the basic concept of the original, with the paths around the exterior winding upward and the platforms in the middle breaking up lines of sight, but eliminated many of the issues that plagued 'A Bad Map'. While it's sadly not called 'A Really Good Map', it certainly plays like one. Behind the Sun deserves every one of the 34 points it received, offering unique and refreshing 1v1 gameplay that everyone should experience.

    3rd Place

    by Xandrith
    View Map Thread

    While the name may make it sound like a burdensome experience, Chain Gang is far from it. The inspiration it takes from the Halo CE classic "Prisoner" is evident not only in the name, but also in the design. Chain Gang is inverse symmetrical, featuring a main atrium with multiple levels and overlapping walkways. The main difference between this and Prisoner is that the main atrium has no floor underneath it, meaning that jumping from one platform to another is much more risky. The outer sections of the map offer better protection, but come with their own risks, as the tight quarters and the teleporters mean that an opponent could unexpectedly pop up in front of you at any moment. Chain Gang secured the 3rd place spot with a total of 30 points.

    Thanks to everyone who participated in crowning our deserving victors! There were more votes cast this month than any previous month, and the top 3 maps were well clear of the others in the voting.

    Don't forget to submit your maps to the ForgeHub Map Database to become eligible for future Community Favorites. To download 'TRINITY' and a variety of other great maps from the community please follow our official gamertag: ForgeHub LIVE. Follow the ForgeHub Twitter for news and announcements.

    You can also access the ForgeHub LIVE fileshare via the leaderboard system:

    Solo - Global Rank: 10
    Game: Halo 2 Anniversary
    Campaign: Metropolis
    Difficulty: Heroic
    Time: 05:27
    MultiLockOn, Psychoduck and WAR like this.
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by a Chunk, May 3, 2015.

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