Hello ForgeHubbers, as we all know by now Halo: The Master Chief Collection has had a terribly rocky launch and even to this day, over 4 months later the game still has a ways to go with numerous issues. Today I present to you the latest Halo movement, which is #FixMccCustoms. Matchmaking has finally had its chance to work as it should have after the lastet update but since then custom games and forge have still been left forgotten with its own plethora of issues. These issues greatly limit how we play custom games as we know it and make custom games virtually unplayable. This is #FixMccCustoms If we want to get custom games and forge to work the way they were before in the MCC, we all must do our part and pitch in to help get these issues acknowledged and fixed by 343 Industries. Simply sharing this video in some way possible helps a lot. The current state of custom games and forge is greatly hurting our community and many other great communities and content creators and we need this area of the game to be fixed ASAP.
Good news everyone, Bravo today has finally publicly acknowledged the list of issues detailed in the #FixMccCustoms document. He says it has been passed onto the team for review! https://twitter.com/Brav/status/592025296250929152
Yes, the feeling of slight relief when I saw that was good but I wouldn't quite get your hopes up just yet. I feel this video and movement should still stay relevant until we start seeing some actual results from 343.