Welcome to the new & improved RocketBox Arena, where death can come from where you least expect it! The below picture may not look like much, but continue reading to discover what sets RocketBox Arena far apart from the thousands of other Infection maps/gametypes out there, and what makes it a fresh, and truly unique experience. I know it's a lot to read, but I suggest you read the whole thing to fully understand what this map/gametype is all about. While the Humans spawn in the center of the arena, which is noticeably enclosed using double boxes, the Infected spawn in an enclosed section of their own elsewhere on Avalanche. Your job as a Human is simple: To survive for as long as possible. At your disposal, you have a magnum and a shotgun, both with infinite ammunition. In the arena, you will find 4 deployable cover equipment. And now, on to the "fresh, and truly unique experience": As mentioned above, the Infected spawn in an enclosed section of their own (with a rocket launcher and an energy sword, both with infinite ammunition), mainly in one of the caves, with the only exit being a teleporter. This teleporter will bring the Infected to 1 of 8 randomly chosen locations, 7 of which are inside a double box, the same double boxes that make up the enclosure in which the Humans are trapped within. From inside this double box, you can watch as the Humans cower in fear as you fire rockets in their direction. In here, you are safe from Human attacks, in fact, the Humans don't even know which box you're in! To the Humans, it just looks like rockets are flying out of the boxes, but to the Infected, it's as if there is an invisible barrier keeping you from entering the Arena. If you cannot get an angle on a Human from this box, go through the teleporter again and you will either end up in another double box, or the 8th teleporter exit, which is located on a platform beyond the cliffs (pictured below). From this location, you can still fire rockets at the Humans running around the arena, but be careful, they too can shoot at you. The Humans cannot get to this platform, nor can the Infected get from this platform to the arena (not yet at least). 1 minute into the round, it gets slightly darker. 2 minutes into the round, it get a little bit darker, and 4 custom powerups appear. 3 minutes into the round, your dream turns into a nightmare. A bubble shield equipment appears in the center of the arena, as well as an active camouflage powerup, and not only does it get even more dark out, but man cannons appear where the 8th teleport exit is (pictured below), giving the Infected a way into the arena to finally put their energy swords to use on the remaining Humans. If you thought it was intense before, wait until the Infected are in the arena! Also, 4 flare equipment appears as well, to help the Humans light up the dark and spot the Infected who may or may not be in the Arena. * 1 point for infecting a Human, 2 points for killing an Infected, and 5 points for Last Man Standing. Player with most points at the end of the round becomes the sole Infected the next round. Player with most points after 3 rounds wins the match. * The Infected have 90% speed, enhanced motion sensors, no shields and are forced a black color making them harder to see in the dark. * The Humans have 110% speed, no radar, a 200% damage resistance, and are forced a white color making them easier for the Infected to find in the dark. * Last Man Standing gets a 200% shield recharge rate. Custom powerup gives the Humans 150% speed, a 200% shield recharge rate, and lasts for 15 seconds. NOTE: The accompanying gametype is REQUIRED, and can be found HERE. No other gametypes are supported on this map.
you r right this does look like a truly unique infection experiance. do the zombies,when they enter the double boxes, actually become inside the wall of the box? just curious, 5/5, great job! first post!!!!
Looks pretty cool. I think it could also be a good map for FFA slayer, if you took away the spawn points outside the arena in pic 1 and put some weapons and stuff in it.
There are 2-way teleporters INSIDE of the CLOSED double box. To get a better understanding of how it works, let me explain the following scenario: Let's say I were to place a closed double box in midair, and put the 2-way teleporter inside of that closed double box. I then place another 2-way teleporter somewhere else in the map. When I go through that second 2-way teleporter, it would bring me INSIDE of the closed double box. From in here, it appears that there are no walls, no ceiling, and no floor, but there are invisible barriers keeping me inside the double box. I can shoot out and kill people from in the closed double box, but people outside cannot shoot in. What makes this map/gametype so fun is watching the Humans hide behind a wall from a rocket I just fired, then I go through the teleport and appear in a double box behind the Human and killing him while he thinks he's got a good spot to hide lol. And when it gets dark, it gets intense because the Infected can now get in the arena via man cannon.
i have seen something with the same idea of the zombies being in the box trying to eliminate the humans but your take on it is better and cleaner. the arena really looks clean and nice. also the arena looks very creative. and nice interlocking on the platform. good job
Looks cool and the game type sounds really fun. I love the FX you used. I find that FX are under used.
I have a feeling you're talking about my "version 1.0" of this same map idea, named simply, "Rocket Box". It failed miserably because it looked ugly. In that version, I just laid everything on the floor, and seeing as how Avalanche isn't flat like Foundry, everything looked like crap. This version is definitely better.
looks like a creative map, it has potential but i really don't like the use of FX, they have potential but it justs takes away some of the potential for gameplay
Thanks for the input, but, I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say. I don't even think you know what you're trying to say haha. You say you don't like the use of FX, then you say it has potential, then you say it just takes away some of the potential...? In any case, the FX filters make sense in this map. As the time passes, it gets darker, and when it gets darker, it gets more intense/scary. How that "takes away potential" from an Infection game, please explain. Because I always thought Infection games were supposed to be scary, what with you know, all the zombies coming after you...?