Okay, so I apologize if this preview is in the wrong section of the forums; it has been awhile. It's good to be back and it's good to see Forgehub is still around. Missed a lot of you guys. I've been out of the forging game for quite awhile, now, so my forging may be a bit rusty. However, my knowledge of a good 1v1 map has not faded. I'm back and I've brought a little something for you guys to check out. Cobalt is a triple atrium, two-level 1v1 map. The idea is to control the top level, but it has been made difficult, and here's why: Basically, I have designed the map so that players are forced to jump from the safety of their height advantage to move around the map to obtain the power-ups and power-weapons, which have been placed at low points on the map. Now, about the atriums: Camo atrium, sniper atrium, and OS atrium. That pretty much sums it up. I do need people to help test- anyone and everyone. If you're down, feel free to leave your Gamertag! I'll hit you up. Here's some pics:
Looks great and I'm glad you're back to forging. I'd like to see more pictures or a video at some point. The only criticism I can give looking at the post is that camo really doesn't work well for 1v1. I know theres a pretty low amount of opinions in the halo 2 sandbox but I feel you'll probably run into the same issues that it usual has. This will definitely be one of the first maps I try out when I get my xbox to where I'm living now. And again, glad to see your back man.
It's interesting; this really looks like a Reach map. I'd love to play it sometime. Glad to have you back!
Should've either forged this on Skyward or waited 30sec to take the screenshots. The screenshots are too dark, hard to see the map well..
Zomg! Eightballs is back! Also, you do not have permission to Jigglypuff approve anything. I'm the damn Jigglypuff here and I approve nothing!
Thanks, fellas! It's good to be back and to see some old friends. I'll be throwin' you guys some friend requests on live so keep an eye out for me. GT: EightTheLegend. @WaiHo Sorry about the pics; I'm new to this. The map isn't as dark as the pictures depict, though. @Blaze Thanks for the heads up about camo! I'll be removing it from the map. Missed ya, bro. @Duck ROADBLOOOOOOOOOOOOCK! Had to. <3 @Auburn Thank, bro! Good to see you! @Schnitzel Hahahahah, and how could I forget you? Never. I'm the jigglypuff king. @Box You'll be getting a FR from me here soon, man!
I've been rocking the Jigglypuff avatar for years man, and they jigglepuff emote here is literally named after me. I'm the jiggles, get with the program. = ":" "schnitzel" ":"
Alright, guys, I've added a brute shot where the camo was (thank you blaze) and changed up a few other things. I've also sent out friend requests.