Some sort of metal map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by FrostPhoenix0, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. FrostPhoenix0

    FrostPhoenix0 Mythic
    Senior Member

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    Hey all. I decided that I quite liked the look of metal maps a few weeks back, so I decided to forge one for myself (before realising the issue was mildly divisive). This is a WIP, but for the most part the general structure of the map is set. It may become clear in the images to come that I actually have no idea about map design. And this is my first asym. So set your expectations low, and please offer any feedback you feel is appropriate.







    Thanks for checking it out. I still have to add spawns and weapons. Again, please feel free to leave a comment on how much it sucks!
  2. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I really think this map would look better if there were some blocks. In an all metal map, blocks serve as very nice contrast.

    For example, you could replace the 2x2 steep ramps to the right of the third picture with blocks, and it would really brighten up your map. You could also incorporate a ring of blocks around the outer wall.

    Ultimately, both 100% block maps and 100% metal maps are not optimal, you want contrast.
  3. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I really don't care that it is metal but it does look like this map could have some spawning issues. Just because of size and how open each atrium is to itself.
    #3 purely fat, Apr 14, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2015
    TheElderAcorn likes this.
  4. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You always do that! You always diagree without even thinking about it!

    I don't think this relationship is going to work.
  5. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If a map is aesthetically pleasing and plays well that is great but, really as long as it is fairly clean and plays well that is all that matters. Even if it is just a bit messy it doesn't bother me. Because all I see are forge objects. That is why I am a bigger fan of seeing interesting and well made structures, no trim wide walls and if forced to do so it should be capped with something like a door or a tall and thin. Those are just my aesthetic tastes in forge maps.
    Given To Fly likes this.
  6. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Listen, you don't get me back this time baby.

    I am a strong individual!
  7. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Ignore them I like the map :3 looks interesting, can't really tell if the layout will lead to spawning issues but that's for you to discover through testing.

    I think the overap on the bottom of your brace tunnels look kinda messy, maybe that curve isn't the best spot to use them.

    But overall good job! Welcome to the metal master race! :p
  8. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well the reason I say what i say about spawning is the map is two rooms and with this game where spawns are rotational. It could be an issue with this map being so simple. A player could rotate around the middle structure and spawn kill the entire time. I am telling you this from personal experience with these type of maps. You should watch out for this.

    The only aesthetic thing that bothered me was the large walkway in the fourth picture and how it interacts with the brace tunnel ramp.

    I just realized i forgot a word in the first post that made it sound like I was dogging metal. I meant that it doesn't matter that it is all metal.
    a Chunk likes this.
  9. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    *Sees title*

    *now wants a metallica themed map*
    purely fat likes this.
  10. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    If you need help testing toss me an invite, looks like a cool map!
  11. FrostPhoenix0

    FrostPhoenix0 Mythic
    Senior Member

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    Sure, I understand what you're saying about the spawns. It had occurred to me, and I'm trying to think of ways to add a little more cover without destroying the open feeling of the map. Also, I should have mentioned that it is more or less meant for 2v2. I think I'll test first to check where the issues will actually be.

    I get what you're saying, but part of my reason for making this was an attempt to use (almost) entirely metal. Though I think an interesting experiment would be to implement changes such as you suggest in a parallel version of the map, and then test to see how each plays.

    Thanks :). I'm not sure what you are talking about with respect to the brace tunnels, though.

    Will do, if I find the time to test. I live in Australia, so my time on the xbox rarely overlaps with others on this forum.

    Thanks for the feedback, guys. I'll address the potential issues after I get around to testing.
  12. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Ignore my comment about the brace tunnels. I first looked at this thread on my phone and couldn't really see the pictures. Map looks good!

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