Blaze submitted a new map: Dispute. HCS - Redeisgned, redesign version of Dispute. A symmetrical 4v4 ctf arena style map designed for tournement play. Read more about this map...
From our test of the update of this map we all felt that it could still use some descaling. I know that this game is very hard to figure this out for because our interpretation of units are inconstant from game to game. This is because player character models are smaller than the respective unit size we're familiar with. I would contact Fated Fire about recommendations to gold side as he had a creative forge session on there. I haven't seen his alterations of that side but it may be worth looking at. I would say that the under base areas could use more movement options to top objective via jump up somehow. I like the addition of the lift a lot. Overall incredible work. We were all stunned by your changes, it looks like a completely new map. Well done and we hope you could push this a little further. I know this is the last thing you wanted to hear because you put so much effort into the reforge but this map is being looked at a with a high level of scrutiny because of the traction its getting.
Well, whatever I have to do I guess. I'll take a look at Fated's version soon and what not. Did the pros play it yet? I'd like to see what they have to say before I go and remake it again. XD If you have time, could you assemble a list for me? And the part about the base I feel if you added a jump there it wouldn't require the teamwork for a flag toss and you'd have a perfectly safe route to capture the flag. That's one design decision I feel needs to prominent in the map for it to play flag well. Other than that, list away. If I NEED to change that, I will. It just won't play as good.
Blaze updated Dispute [HCS] with a new update entry: New version available. Read the rest of this update entry...