I think it would be cool if they bought firefight back maybe we can make our own firefight maps like you can set enemy spawns like grunt spawns and elite spawns for example say you are making a remake of the pit from halo reach you can have 2 grunt spawns in the area where the blue flag is this both help firefight be more popular and get rid of the repetitive nature of firefight
1: AI's take a lot of computational power to process 2: AI's wouldn't play nice with any sort of map or geometry that they're not programmed to work around. The geometry in campaign/firefight in created and designed in different ways that allow to AI to recognize 'that's cover' or 'that's a ledge I can climb up'. If they were allowed to traverse forge maps they probably would exhibit some strange behavior. I don't necessarily disagree with you, AI is something we've been asking for since Halo 3 forge. That's just the reasoning you're going to hear from a developer. I mean, when Super Smash Bros Brawl introduced a map editor, you could build a completely flat map exactly like Final Destination, and AI wouldn't act like they normally do. There's not even overlapping pieces in that game, AND it's 2 dimensional. Obviously they're different AI, but you can see how it would play out.
I would love that too.. If they built in into the engine fundamentally like Valve did with Source then they'd have their foot in the door and forge-map or firefight forge would have been a feature long ago... but the source engine has a process in which it constructs navigation meshes for bots during the rendering process of a map. The meshes determine which areas can be traversed by walking, jumping, crouching, etc.. The meshes themselves can be edited after they're rendered that way you can optimize AI behavior for the environment you create; such as setting up sniper spots, controlling where the AI can hide and telling the bot how to avoid obstacles or climb ladders. I really wish they'd bring it into a Halo game but it would require some fundamental changes to how Halo deals with AI and I just don't see it happening.
Love the concept, don't see it working well, however I had thought about mixing invasion and firefight into a game somehow. Scripted levels and AI with full teams of players. The spartans could obviously have a tougher time, but it would be a more entertaining and campaign feeling matchmaking mode! Think ODST firefight but with an objective rather than just survive. Smart Zealot elites trying to stop you and you could still be killing grunts and jackals in the mean time!
Who cares halo is dead forever and whoever says any different is a 343 fanboy nerd who lives in his moms basement.
That is a great idea. Wish it could happen. Maybe in the future. I love bot fights. Brings me back to terrorist hunt in the RainbowSix series. Loved that.