HCS: Season 2 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Can we stop bringing up Orion? I'm not salty it didn't make it. It didn't make the first ****ing cut, why should I be bothered that it's not in the final cut? Me fussing about it not being chosen is akin to a baseball player bitching he didn't make it to home plate when he was tagged out at first base. Drop the ****ing bullshit argument that I'm only criticizing maps because mine didn't make it. I've been down this road so many times with y'all now, its really starting to test my patience. You wonder why I'm acting like a prick? Because of jack-assery like this that I'm subjected to time and time again.
  2. WarlordWossman

    WarlordWossman Legendary

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    I agree. Schnitzel would have had the same criticism for these maps even if he had no maps at all in H2A.

    I think we all know that Eden and Epicborough made it and should discuss on that. The maps aren't perfect (again without saying they are bad maps) and that is the reason why we are talking about them here. Not because anyone is salty that other/their own maps didn't get in.

    To be honest it is still a good discussion and people bring in arguments that seem fair to me. I think keeping it up is not a bad thing at all.
  3. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't think anyone is wondering why you are acting like a prick.
  4. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You're acting like a prick by continually drudging it up. Stop. Now.
  5. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You wonder why I'm acting like a prick? Because of jack-assery like this that I'm subjected to time and time again.
  6. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  7. Jesus in Malibu

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    Honestly, this really does seem plausible. While it may sound extreme to everyone else, this is how people think. The blame won't go to :343: if in the chance that season 2 falls flat on it's face, everybody will point fingers to the forgers as people think solely with a 'black & white' mindset and will just assume that map was the best choice of forge maps :343: can choose from. In the end, its very possible that (once again) :343: may have completely ****ed over the competitive forging community. After the whole forgers vs. Tesla situation, forgers already look bad in the eyes of many pro players because we didn't want to rehash the same Midship formula for them for the 10 billionth time.
  8. LazyStudio

    LazyStudio Mythic
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    ♫ Yeti likes this.
  9. FRYMEN1

    FRYMEN1 Mythic
    Senior Member

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    Ricochet need Assist points. (1pt). Makes the game so much better. Forces teams to work together more, and pass the ball.
  10. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Forcing teamwork is never good
  11. Untouched fish

    Untouched fish Legendary

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    Really because people never really pto
  12. coIdFUSI0N

    coIdFUSI0N Guest

    Playing the objective isn't really an issue in competitive play. You can't win otherwise.
  13. Untouched fish

    Untouched fish Legendary

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    I'm talking about causal play
  14. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Have to disagree. Maybe in casual pub gaming but in a team-based tournament with a large cash reward. Teamwork should be absolutely demanded in order to win. In every aspect from gametypes to maps.
    FRYMEN1 likes this.
  15. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You've missed the point completly. If you have to artificially force teamwork (in this case, via assist points for a ball throw) then you are essentially forcing that one playstyle and gimping the individual, a real problem in modern Halo. Both styles should be allowed to reign supreme. Forcing assist points shows that 1) the gametype sucks 2) promoting assist points discourages individual plays.

    Its like in Halo 3/4/5, with all the defensive abilities and poor utility weapon, teamshooting is practically forced, creating a linear style of play, whereas people think CE is not about teamwork just because teamshooting is less forced. In your example, you are very much (and in your words) forcing passes to be used more to give teams more points. That forces the teams to only play the passing style to be successful.

    It would be like rewarding more points for a goal that had 3/4/5 passes in Soccer Ball.
  16. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Still wondering why Haunted's educational background was brought up.
    TheElderAcorn and Orzium like this.
  17. FRYMEN1

    FRYMEN1 Mythic
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    I completely understand your side of the argument, but I disagree.

    I have tested all types of different settings with Ricochet, and from my experience, adding assist points makes the game that more intense and fun. Try it before you knock it.

    If you would like to test this at anytime, please feel free to send me an invite. I always have Ricochet customs with at least 4-8 ppl.

    Also, all assist points are nullified if the opponent team gets an interception.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 11, 2015 ---
    I concur.
  18. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Ricochet is pretty bad in general. I don't know how the assist would actually work but it seems like it'd just encourage, not force. Regardless, I was saying the statement about demanding teamwork is bad. Not the gametype setting specifically.
  19. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok, but after we will play some Basketball outside, we'l change the rules so that more passes equals more points.

    What the gametype then promotes is just pushing the base, getting all 4 down, and then passing it between each other at the score point until they respawn. Racking in assist points for doing **** all.
  20. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You are still not getteing the point. You are forcing one particular style of team work, i.e., passing. Having regular point scoring allows for both styles (passing orientated/whatever else).

    Do you think a weak BR is better than a CE pistol as it forces teamwork in teamshooting?

    Im not saying teamwork is bad (why on earth would I say that) but your version of team work is passing, and only that, and assist points just funnel a linear style of play, into H2A which is already linear enough as is.

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