HCS: Season 2 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. SloppyBottom

    SloppyBottom Recruit

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    I'm sorry I've lost touch with the forge community, but congrats the those who got their maps in. I'm super excited as a viewer and happy for the forge community. So glad that we can now have best of fives without repeating maps!

  2. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The bulk of the forge community deserves to be insulted. I'll equate the majority of them to the majority of the pros; uneducated bottom dwellers. Granted, more forgers are likely to have a higher degree of education (so long as you remove the statistical outlier Haunted from the data*), they're just as inexperienced and immature ****s that you can find in life. I give the 343 sustain staff hell for being incompetent, but I completely forget, the forge community could barely do better! Yes, the forge community can do better, but barely by a negligible margin.

    *Haunted, despite his lack of education, is actually one of the best forgers here. In a ratio of education level to quality of maps (if the latter could be quantified), he'd probably be ranked as the best here. ****in shocker eh?!

    ** Eat my ass nerds.
  3. TheElderAcorn

    TheElderAcorn Video Team
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Erupt is pretty much the only map that fits the H2A sandbox really well out of the potential candidates. I'm bummed Eden got in, although its asymmetric, it just seems thrown together.
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  4. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'll put it this way: one step forward, two steps back. It's great that we have an asymm in, but it's an unpolished map that got selected for trivial reasoning. It was one of the weakest (the only weaker one being Venom) candidates to be examined, and was outclassed even by candidates left outside of the selection. It's a decent map, yes, but it's unpolished and shouldn't be in the HCS. I'd much rather see a less "original" forge map in HCS that has had adequate polishing done to it.

    Look at the bigger picture, having a map picked for b/s reasoning like originality (and no map is actually original these days anyhow) is no better than Tesla making it.
  5. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That's because it literally was. It was at best a week long project, including planing through building. Worse yet, it had no where near adequate testing. Waiho is a solid forger, but this map is not solidified enough to even be worthy of testing consideration, let alone making the list. It got in based purely off of luck; off incompetent and unqualified opinionated morons making the decisions. This last minute ramshackle is a slap to the face of every designer that holds to rigorous design cycles.
  6. TheElderAcorn

    TheElderAcorn Video Team
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I dont understand how you could possibly know this without knowing any of the actual forgers or the progression of the maps! You need to stop assuming. Us forgers know what hyper competitive play feels like, we're not stupid. We all tested our maps with pro's and semi pro's taking in feedback not only from our own speculations but the opinions of many many others, thats what testing a map is. I dont know why you think your version of testing is ANY different from ours. Its not like we only use other forgers to test our maps, bottom line YOUR NOT THE ONLY FORGER WHO UNDERSTANDS HYPER COMPETITIVE DESIGN, all of us do, and thats how our maps got into a similar position as Tesla did. All the maps were designed for a high level of play, THAT IS A FACT.
    #426 TheElderAcorn, Apr 9, 2015
    Last edited: May 28, 2015
  7. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like Eden.

    Commence the rage!
    TheElderAcorn and Orzium like this.
  8. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like how you guys know how I made Eden and the process behind it better than I do.

    I guess Orion and Ridge should've been in there right?
    Orzium likes this.
  9. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Judging from the reaction, I don't think any if these maps will get used at IG. From spawn issues, to asym maps forcing viewers to leave the stream, apparently
  10. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well if we are gonna go there then, considering Orion is a more polished design and does KotH better, yes actually.

    I don't need to know the process you made your map under, what stands is the time frame in which you did it. As I said before, it's not a bad map. It's actually a pretty good one. The issue at hand is, it's a rushed out design that hasn't been polished through rigorous testing. Hell, Ridge is fairly polished compared to Eden.

    You salty brah? Can't take a little criticism.
  11. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nah not salty at all actually, I don't care that much about Eden. It's more your personality that can go from being a cool and nice guy to absolute **** and going on a terror. It's quite sad to see you going down that road time and time again. #BringBackHappySchnitzel

    Also if there were 2minute Hills then I would push Orion above anything else. It is just **** for 1 minute hills and you know it.
  12. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Whereas Tesla is the poster boy for polish
  13. Orzium

    Orzium Mythic

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    I don't understand why people are bitching and mouning just because their map didn't make the cut. Lets all just be thankful that Tesla didn't get in.
  14. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It finally comes out! Orion didn't get it. Get over it.
    Orzium likes this.
  15. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I know, and I appreciate it. Only went on that tangent since you brought up Orion. My map didn't make the initial cut, I came to grips with that ages ago. All I'm saying here is, I don't believe Eden shoulda made it in. Athelon was the map I thought was most deserving, as its one of few that met all of my criteria.

    Wouldn't necessarily say I'm going on a terror with you guys. Definitely being a prick with that Fly guy, but that's cause he's one of those H3 FH lame asses that thinks he's better than everyone else.

    Are you brain dead? I've been over it.

    Tesla being a simple 2B2T comes fairly polished because it's a beaten to death design. Could do with a complete reforging to bring it up to standard, but doesn't need much refinement in regards to gameplay. Also, it would further my agenda of discrediting the pros and 343's HCS team when season 2 inevitably fails.

    When season 2 fails now, you know where the backlash is going (as far as maps go)? At Eden. At the forge community. Why? Because the map wasn't the best choice, but they try-hard kids don't know that. They're gonna straw-man it claiming it was the best we could offer, showing that we don't know anything and shouldn't be given a chance like this again.

    End of the day, it should have been Athelon and Erupt that made it. If Eden had been forged a couple months back and had time to be refined more, I'd be able to get behind it. Unfortunately, that's not the case and I'm sorry if that bothers anyone.
  16. ♫ Yeti

    ♫ Yeti Mythic

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    Ricochet can be sweaty... sometimes...
  17. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I would have no problem with Athelon getting in over Eden, Erupt on the other hand is way too cramped in certain areas and too open in the other for my liking.
  18. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Shnitzel, you seem really salty that Orion didn't get in, but hey, what do I know? I'm brain dead! The fact that I can even write this is a miracle!
    Orzium likes this.
  19. Orzium

    Orzium Mythic

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    The biggest issue with Athelon was it was over-scaled it just didn't fit the close quaters nature of halo 2. An ultimately I think 343 was looking for a map that was unique, played well and wasn't based off any previous maps in the halo franchise and wasn't just your standard plane old symmetrical map. I really liked erupt however, it just played to similar to the pit, simple as that.
  20. WarlordWossman

    WarlordWossman Legendary

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    I also liked Erupt but I don't think that it played like the Pit. On the Pit there was a giant ****ing wall in the middle right?

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