Voting for this month's "Community Favorite" forge map has been going on for the past few weeks. Out of the numerous submissions, these were the 10 maps that were available:
As you can see, this month's pick of the litter was particularly difficult to choose. Five of the maps shown above were considered for HCS candidacy at some point while both VENOM and EDEN made it on's official HCS: Season 2 Forge Maps list this past Tuesday. The ForgeHub community has spoken and remarkably the Community Favorite map won by a landslide this month however 2nd, 3rd and 4th place all come in at a remarkable tie! Check out the verdict in the video below:
$30 Xbox Live Cash Awarded!
by WaiHo
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With a fat sum of 29 poll points, your Community Favorite map and the winner of $30 Xbox Live cash this month is EDEN by WaiHo! Who other than WaiHo, the kid with that weird starwars gamer tag no one can spell. Who other than WaiHo, the kid who got his map ACOLYTE publicly spanked on youtube by none other than seniore ColKeller back in 2012! Who other than WaiHo, the guy who placed in's official HCS candidate list. WaiHo..that's who. Well done my juicy tender steak, well done. Check your personal mail later for a $30 redemption code.
by Canadian ECHO
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Pharos is an asymmetrical 1v1 map that was submitted to the recent 1v1 map contest. This map was one of our top 10 contenders for our recent 1v1 contest and I must say, when I play this map all I see is gold. The map has a steady controlled pace that focuses players to engage cautiously as encounters come at any turn. The OS is retard bait as its located on an open platform with little to no cover surrounding it. I've tried my best to sit on this golden egg and wait for a Chunk to miss his shots but he kept on blaming me in the face like a pro.
by Korlash
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Another top contender for our recent 1v1 map contest. There is so much content buzzing around this, i'm still surprised by all of the submissions that came in. I just have to say, you guys did a fantastic job! I should probably mention that this map received 10 poll points tying in 2nd place. Antagonist was in our top list of notable maps and I'm glad to see that you're able to recognize the talent we see here as well. What is so unique about Antagonist is its sheer verticality and multiple levels. There were no other maps submitted that could compete with the height variation this map supports and like its predecessors, Antagonist plays 'fierce' - so you better know where those rockets spawn before challenging someone here.
by moo43
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I've seen my fair share of "Y" shaped designs this month from Dispute to Strain and even Erupt. What I think is quite remarkable here is that the verticality really kicks into gear and we've got all that lovely structural cover we're all too unfamiliar with like on Haunted's Complexion. This map combines some great design flavors, from the verticality and platform to platform battles of Orion, the structural cover of Haunted's Complexion and that trendy new "Y" shape design we've been seeing so much of lately. Moo43 is turning into one of my new favorite forgers only I've come to realize that he's not 'new' and has been forging maps since Halo 3. Where the hell has this guy been posting his work all this time?
Congratulations to our winners! Don't forget to submit your maps to the ForgeHub Map Database to become eligible for future Community Favorites. To download 'EDEN' and a variety of other great maps from the community please follow our official gamertag:ForgeHub LIVE
Community Favorite Maps #3
Discussion in 'Features' started by WAR, Apr 2, 2015.
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Discussion in 'Features' started by WAR, Apr 2, 2015.
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