Hello all, I'm trying to create a game using the juggernaut gametype. Is there any way to force the juggernaut to spawn in a certain area or can neutral spawns only be used with this game type? Thank you!
I believe that it should work like Infection. Normals are on the Defender (Red) team, while Juggernauts belong to the Attacker (Blue) team. At the very least, it should work that way if you're doing Team Juggernaut. I'll test it later.
I have multiple attacker and defender initial/respawn points throughout the map, but both normals and the juggernaut seem to spawn at random locations. I don't see an option for Team Juggernaut as you mentioned. Am I just missing something? Thanks again.
There's an option that allows you to set Juggernauts as allied with each other and non-Juggernauts as allied with each other.