HCS: Season 2 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. Revo

    Revo Legendary

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    Hey guys! I am willing to do a 1080p 60fps fly through of competitive 4v4 maps being presented to 343i! I will do it for free and push the maps out through Halo Follower. I am the Head Halo eSports Writer for them and I want to help push out content that is positively pushing HCS to a bigger stage. Here is an example I did awhile back on Salots map Dojang.

    Hit me up with a PM on your map location on here. Or you can always reach me on my twitter. @VibeRevo
    Thanks and I look forward in working with you!
  2. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This has nothing to do with your flythrough video, except it makes me absolutely frown upon Salot's map. It has nothing to do with the fact that it's a 2-base, 2-tower arena. It really doesn't. It has to do with how he keeps re-vamping the map that existed since Reach:

    -The ability to jump from the bases to top mid
    -How extremely fortified and enclosed the towers and bases are
    -The extreme distance between the towers, in conjunction with a narrow line of sight

    Not everything is bad about the map (bottom bases and mid are alright to me), but I look at it as something that is way more complex than it needs to be (and yes, complex). His forging is good on this map, but the bases and towers need to be more basic. Right now, both Oracle and even Tesla have my vote over this (although "Battle Grounds" for being more original).


    off topic, but your video is nice Revo. I'm sure people will be interested in that.
  3. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    HCS Season 2 is about to kick off. In preparation for this second season, :343: has sought out the recommendations of various community members, ranging from Community Cartographers to Pro Players, in an effort to add some much needed variety to the series. After listening to all the feedback, the decision has been made.

    Here are the forge maps that will be used for HCS Season 2:
    EDEN (Slayer, KotH)
    By WaiHo

    EPICBOROUGH KEEP (CTF, Ricochet, Neutral Bomb)
    By a Chunk

    In addition to the two forge maps, there will also a new gametype added to the mix with Ricochet.
    Ricochet was first introduced as a multiplayer gametype in Halo 4. This will be the first time the gametype is used at a major competitive LAN event.

    Source: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...hampionship-series-preseason-cup-2-forge-maps

    To download Eden, Epicborough, and the HCS Ricochet gametype, just add “Official HCS” to your friends list on Xbox Live. Shortly after, “Official HCS” will appear on your friend’s list within Halo: The Master Chief Collection, where you’ll be able to access the File Share and download all maps and game types to your Xbox One.

    Stay tuned to HaloWaypoint.com/HCS and @Halo on Twitter for updates on Halo Championship Series.

    To download all of the HCS maps and a variety of other great content from the community please follow ForgeHub's official gamertag:ForgeHub LIVE
    #243 WAR, Mar 31, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2015
    a Chunk and Blaze like this.
  4. A Haunted Army

    A Haunted Army Your Local Pessimist
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    tesla... you just know that the pro teams are going to choose that map above all others resulting in it being the only map to be chosen. :(

    personally my choice would be erupt and eden because together i think they provide more unique yet familiar gameplay over a wide range of gametypes.
  5. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    After months upon months of planning, designing, prebuilding, building rebuilding and rebuilding again just for this situation it all finally pays off. Oh wait "Erupt, temple, ....TESLA?" That's a typo right?

    Dispute was the only map in pro testing that naded, viewers and subs didn't seem to find a single problem with aside from a small spawn issue that was fixed in the next version. It was the only one being tested that actually played CTF well paces and nearly flawlessly besides maybe oracle (which also isn't in the list? It was also forgehubs top voted in the poll...

    I'm glad a lot of great maps have made this list but if this isn't a mistake that tesla is on this list instead of Dispute, you can all find me over on Reflex FPS because I quit forge. This is the biggest disappointment a forger could have personally.

    To the rest of the maps, congratulations. I'm really happy for all you and I wish that I could be sharing this highlight with all of you. (Except tesla since you completely ignored all feedback when major flaws are super apparent in your map, yet somehow you still make it.) Great work, even to the ones that didn't make it.
    Behemoth, Korlash, Orzium and 2 others like this.
  6. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Blaze...it's a game dude. Chill aha Tesla won't make it through.
  7. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Huge thanks to Tashi for organizing and testing these maps with the Community Cartographers so diligently. Whatever :343:'s final choices are, I have full confidence in their ability to listen to feedback and make thoughtful decisions based on it. Its because of their ability to listen to multiple groups that we have some stirs about what should be considered. This is a time for us to go through the maps and vocalize our opinions and concerns.
    #247 WAR, Mar 31, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2015
    The Fated Fire likes this.
  8. moo43

    moo43 Talented
    Forge Critic

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    I honestly don't understand how Tesla made the list. The other maps look great. But good job to everyone's map that did make it.
  9. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I get why blaze is upset none of these maps have been tested as much as well as most of them were made only because of the announcement. I would be a little frustrated.
  10. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This list is really bad for the most part.

    Keep the double post. I want the double kill.
    WAR likes this.
  11. careh

    careh Legendary

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    Gratz to those involved.
  12. SteelGreen

    SteelGreen StoolGreen

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    I am dissapointed 343i.
  13. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    After months upon months of planning, prebuilding, bui
    I'm not that upset. Haha. Just pretty disappointed in myself for doing all that work but still not making a better candidate as Tesla. Makes me feel like I fail at life.
  14. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, there had to be a midship, so why not two midships? I wish I could have a map on here :(

    This really is disappointing though, I strongly believe Dispute was if not the best, then one of the best but I am really upset with myself. No reason for me to be mad at anyone else but myself if my map wasn't good enough to be in.

    Wait I get it, April fools right?...
    #254 Zombievillan, Mar 31, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2015
    Blaze likes this.
  15. SteelGreen

    SteelGreen StoolGreen

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    You still got a thfe feature, though I can't say the same for Tesla :p
    a Chunk likes this.
  16. Squally DaBeanz

    343 Industries Forge Critic

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    I'll just copy what I said on waypoint. **Clears throat**

    "Seriously? Tesla? Why on EARTH is this map being considered? Not only is it a terrible map with no originality or creativity put into it, but the construction is just LAZY. This map stands out like a sore thumb among the other great maps in this list, and is an insult to everyone in the forging community. Tesla is a mockery of map design and construction, yet here it is, sitting aside some truly fantastic and original designs. And why is that? Oh, right, some "pro" big shot felt that we as forgers are incapable of creating maps that play well and that we're too focused on aesthetics. This is a flat out lie, and makes a mockery of our craft. The ONLY reason this map has any traction is because of the connections Diesel has, and the fact that his "pro" buddies have to put in minimal effort to master this overly simplistic piece of garbage. There are so many other "two-base-two-tower" designs out there that are hands down superior to Tesla. Luckily, ONE of them got into this list, but that doesn't excuse Tesla from being an ugly watered down version of an already simple design. I cannot fathom how anyone can consider Tesla to be even remotely in league with any of the other maps listed here. It is poorly constructed, poorly designed, offers NOTHING new to the Midship formula, and is flat out LAZY. Please remove Tesla from this list. Not only is it insulting and makes a mockery of forge, but it just does NOT fit in with this list. NO ONE should be forced to play on such a poor excuse for a map in tournament play."

    That is all.
  17. William Konczak

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    If the pro players want to play on Tesla, then so be it. Just because us forgers do not like the way it is forged does not mean that it shouldn't make it. All that matters to pros is gameplay.
    So if they enjoy the gameplay then end of story. I don't understand why anyone is getting so angry it is a contest so if the people it is being currated for enjoy it then it is not our place to tell them no.
    You don't tell judges no in a contest no matter how bad something is. It's their decision.
    purely fat and MultiLockOn like this.
  18. Jesus in Malibu

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    I'll quote what Squally said.

    "This map stands out like a sore thumb among the other great maps in this list, and is an insult to everyone in the forging community. Tesla is a mockery of map design and construction, yet here it is, sitting aside some truly fantastic and original designs."

    "Not only is it insulting and makes a mockery of forge, but it just does NOT fit in with this list. NO ONE should be forced to play on such a poor excuse for a map in tournament play."
    Orzium likes this.
  19. Citizen Bovine

    Citizen Bovine Promethean

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    If they had only decided to look at 6 maps (instead of 7 and minus Tesla) and Dispute still didn't make it, would it still be such a big deal?
    To Blaze, just keep your chin up man and just stay focused for next season or just some prework on ideas that you can forge on Halo 5.
  20. Diesel

    Diesel Tyler Hoyt
    Senior Member

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    Hey I'm sorry you guys think tesla is such a bad map. Again I didn't sit down and design it and i'm sorry it isn't as pretty as Erupt or Athelon. Again I asked pro players what they wanted. I worked with them on the map. It plays Flag and Bomb well. My vote for maps aren't even my own. I think Athelon plays well, and Erupt is awesome. If you'd like to help me make Tesla look better i'd be down. Blaze i'm sorry i haven't got back to you. I'll hit you up on skype soon.

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