A lot of discussion has been circulating around all of the new competitive map submissions to ForgeHub in hopes of making it into the spotlight. We have featured a lot of great content here and now would like to see what the competitive community thinks of your creations. ForgeHub is dedicated to help bring forgers some of the most valuable feedback for your maps and is proud to announce our relationships with a handful of pro players. You can view them testing community forge maps on the off chance of their own time or check back here to view announcements of official testing sessions scheduled the pros here at ForgeHub. We will have a tentative schedule for the future sessions so you can plan your availability to view the matches and discuss in advance. To view this testing session live please visit Naded's livestream via twitch for our session 2. For tonights schedule please refer to the maps below:
March 28
TEMPLE (CTF, Slayer)
EDEN (Slayer, Oddball, KoTH)
By WaiHo
Sniper, Camo, Sentinel
VENOM (Koth, Slayer, Oddball)
By The Fated Fire
Rockets, Sniper, OS, Camo, SB, Shotgun
By SecretSchnitzel
Rockets, Snipe, OS, Camo
ORACLE (Slayer, CTF, Bomb)
By SquallyDaBeanz
Rockets, Sword, OS
ATHELON (Ricochet, Neutral Bomb, CTF, KoTH)
Sniper, Rockets, Charging Station
RIDGE (KoTH, Slayer, Odball)
By TheElderAcorn
Camo, OS, Sniper
ERUPT (CTF, KoTH, Slayer)
By SaltyKoalaBear and purely fat
Rockets, Snipe x2, Plasma Pistol, OS, Shotgun
(if time allows these may be played)
By A Haunted Army
Camo, Rockets
By aChunk
Sniper, Camo
By Blaze
Rockets, Snipe, Camo
In no way do these maps reflect's final selections for Season 2 of the Halo Championship Series events. ForgeHub is conducting these tests with pro players independently and will be evaluating the feedback from both the creative and competitive communities combined. We appreciate all of the submissions and hope to keep the energy going. This collaboration between creator and player is something we really look forward to exploring more in the future as well. Stay tuned for more map testing sessions from ForgeHub in the future.
Pro Player Map Testing #2
Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Mar 28, 2015.
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Mar 28, 2015.
XenPorta 2 PRO
© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM