Lego Headddddd submitted a new map: Isolation - My attempt at re-making Isolation from H£ (not 100% the same) Read more about this map...
Thanks man. I know isolation wasn't really a great map for competitive halo but it was a map I always enjoyed!
No problem! My only criticism is to maybe include more natural elements into the map, or blend in the existing man-made structures with the terrain a little bit more. For example in the 3rd photo on the right, the concrete looks a little a little out of place in my opinion. Personally I think that the 4th photo has the best look as it's mostly natural elements with some man-made structures incorporated into it. But nevertheless, interested in trying it out and seeing how this plays!
Yeah I understand what you mean, I dunno, I get the need to make the map look good for the most part but I truly feel that map flow and movement out weighs that personally. I'll keep looking but at the minute that part of the map flows quite smoothly and the natural elements might hinder that. If you have any suggestions I'm all ears