Squally DaBeanz submitted a new map: Inheritor - Medium sized 4v4 map inspired by Gemini and The Pit. Read more about this map...
when walking around on the map It feels like you need another route from the middle section into the bases. The circular ramp, tin cup, and palm trees (ones on the overshield side in front of each base) could be raplaced with an underground tunnel connecting the lowest section of mid map into each base. This might be difficult due to how you have built the rest of the map, but I really think you need 1 more route into each base.
I would have to agree about the extra route, tbh. The bases to feel a little too separated from the center atrium.
You're not the first person to suggest a second route there. Unfortunately, the logistics of creating such a route makes it nearly impossible without completely redesigning the back half of each base. Also, this map was created with Ricochet in mind, hence the limited routes. I wanted players to pick one of three parallel lanes and push it. Poor decisions would result in a mini tug-of-war, while good decisions would force enemy players to quickly organize and cut off said push. However, if I ever create this map a third time, I'll definitely try to look into a second mid route