Pentagon An actual penagon that is exetremly fun for slayer.My first map. Download Map Description: This map toke more then two days to make. All of it was made by me and has been tested by the_punk. We tested it on slayer but this map can also work on oddball. I hope yuo download this map becasue again this took a long time to make. Trust me if it looks sloppy in the pictures it's not in face it is very fun. THe fusion coils on the main floor have 120 second respond and on the bottom floor should have about 90. The mauler and fuel rod both have 120 second respawn all the rest of the wepons on this map are BR's and carbines. So it can be played with MlG becasue it is also symettric. The firebomb is set for 180 seconds and grenades are close to that depending on what kind .Hope you like this map Wepons BR's Carbines 1 Fuel Rod 1 Mauler Many grenades Suggested players 1v1 (least) 2v2 3v3 (max) FFA 1-8 Enjoy here is the link again Download Map A map by xUNSCxHeadShot
Nice Interlocking a map geometry. Gameplay probably will be interesting with this map. First Post BTW
nice map it kinda reminds me of warlock nice interlcking and use of the schield doors but what wepon is in the middle i cant tell?
Albino Rampage, it's a Fuel Rod. Looks like a pretty solid map, as person above said, does look Warlocky.
this map looks good but some of the asthetics could use a little tideying up though. ie the ramp. but it looks good oyher wise
Two days isn't a long time. I have two projects that are both months into development (Mainly because of procrastination)
you have a few spelling errors in your description* This map looks pretty clean to me, i have one question though on the picture showing the top of the *base* type thing why did you use weapon holders to hold some barriers, but reciever nodes to hold others, i think you should keep it consistant in one place, you could always use the nodes in another so=pot if you dont have enough weapon holders
the money glitch thing spazzed out so I used TP's instead. I think i tried to fix it but made it worse lol
You shouldnt be pround of this it looks like you didnt even put any effort in it sorry man but maps should take you weeks or months to make not days no dnl