Fixing the dev maps for HCS w/ forge

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Doju, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hello all. I used to help create Gold Pro/Unity settings for competitive Halo and help try and improve the competitive game.

    With the recent forge testing going on, a point brought up was that all our contenders are using static spawning, prompting the question of....would the dev maps be getting changed. Personally, I think they need to. As someone who has been a competitive Halo fan for nearly 10 years, H2A is arguably the most dull game to watch so far (not saying H4 was better), partly due to the set up of the dev maps. So, here is my feedback on what needs to be done, and hopefully gets tested.

    Team Slayer

    Both Sanc and Lockout played incredibly slow, luckily a few small changes will fix that.

    Weapon spawn system - The maps seem to be using the Halo 2 spawn system, which means that if a player has an item, the spawn is delayed, rewarding defensive passive play, snowballing, and lack of movement incentives for teams, an example being in a Sanc game where Rocks only came up 4 times in a 15 minute game, or any game with Lockout with 2 top teams, that snipe will spawn 2/3 times a game. Thats awful.

    To fix, but the items on the static spawn weapon system, so they spawn at regular intervals (and setting the max weapon limit to 4/5 to ensure they respawn). Teams know when they spawn, help creating better map flow when both teams know when it appears. - Guide on how to do it.

    Sanc TS - Rockets dont spawn quick enough, and the map is too open with all the snipers to risk a Rocket push. For TS, replace the rocks with a Camo. They spawn more often, and allow teams to break up defensive set ups in a base. Keep rocks for CTF/Bomb however.

    Lockout TS - Needs a camo (dont spawn it at start so you dont have to worry about intial team spawns). Not elbow, as its too close to sniper, and wont promote movement for that team. Bottom green is an ideal spot, teams dont want to ever be in that area anyways, and teams at both BR and Snipe have to commit numbers to access that camo. Will make the gametype alot quicker. Have the camo placed mid way in the tunnel so you cant just drop down and herpa derp it. It has to spawn at 60s or 90s though, 2 minutes isint quick enough. An OS will NOT solve the problem either, its not strong enough to do anything, its a defensive power up which isint strong enough to push with.


    Use classic version of Sanc, and classic version of Warlock, or at least remove the multiple jump ups they have added. You shouldnt be able to hop from bottom to top mid on Warlock that easily.

    Remove lift from shotty to hut on Sanc

    Other sandbox changes

    No OS - I think warlord CTF/Hill should have an OS considering it has no role in the sandbox at the moment. OS could help establish top mid as a defensive/power position on the map more (Id keep camo for TS though). However, the OS needs a buff, its far too weak at the moment to even justify a 60s timer.

    Sentinel Beam - Has potential as a shield stripper, but Warlord prob isint the map like that. A map like Ascension which has more open LOS/safety could benefit from such a weapon for hill/ball gametypes.

    Other weapons - Cant remember what the name of it is in H2A, the brute shot like weapon, is apparently a beast in H2A. Could be an ideal weapon on Warload as a close up power weapon that is harder than Rocks to use.

    Sniper - Reduce to 1 spare clip rather than 2. Punish poor use, and the current amount of ammo is probably too much for the weak BR.

    Nades - Slightly too dominant in the game at the moment. Slightly increase the respawn timers on them (if its 30s, bump to 45s) and dont spawn them in packs of 4, 2 is fine.
    #1 Doju, Mar 21, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2015

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