New here, looking for thoughts and criticisms.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by To Be Destined, Mar 20, 2015.

  1. To Be Destined

    To Be Destined Legendary

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    I've been forging since halo 3 but mainly for fun. Have been told many times I should try to take it to the next level but have not yet bothered. A buddy of mine recently gave me the motivation to do so, so I thought I would give this a shot. He was nice enough to upload some footage to Youtube as I've never posted my creations anywhere and don't know where to begin. The map I have called Relocated and is set up for 2-12 players, and supports FFA,TS, Oddball, and KOTH. Don't be afraid to hurt my feeling's, I take criticism well.

    Link to Youtube:

    Thanks ahead of time to anyone who takes the time to look it over, and a bigger thanks to anyone who shares their thoughts.
  2. Erk

    Erk Mythic

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    Overall looks like a good map that as the video mentions takes a lot of inspiration from guardian and lockout. Just from the fly-through my initial reaction is that it may be too open in areas just because of the larger scale than guardian and lockout.

    For asymmetrical objective games like oddball and koth it may be okay with the very asymmetrical bases (height variation). For symmetrical games it could be one sided depending on how the spawning works.

    The aesthetics are clean enough in most spots but there isn't really an obvious theme. This isn't necessary and a lot of forgers don't do themed maps but it can make a good map great in my opinion. At the very least try to be consistent with the types of materials and structures (that looks fine in this map). Another thing that can detract from the looks and sometimes gameplay is relying on the building structures. That isn't always an issue but the more unique the structures the better.

    Feel free to add me if you want, I like to play with people who like forging but don't take themselves too seriously.
    GT: xXxMENTALxXx
    Chronmeister and To Be Destined like this.
  3. To Be Destined

    To Be Destined Legendary

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    Thanks :) I agree about the pre-made buildings but if you know how stuck I got with where to go with it, you'd understand lol. I tried my best to tie them into a structure instead of relying on them as is, but you can only do so much. I have been tweaking the spawns placing anti zones and such to make the spawning solid, and its pretty good as is. There are tons of trick jumps and great escape routes and just small ledges and such you can use for cover so it doesn't feel as open as it looks. Still technically in beta but working for TS, FFS, Oddball and KOTH but I am looking to add 1 Flag CTF with the flag spawning top blue. Thanks for the feedback, i've never really put my maps out there like this so its nice to hear positive reviews, makes me feel like I should post more.
  4. To Be Destined

    To Be Destined Legendary

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    Oh and there is technically a "theme", its "round" LOL. I like to make a challenge for my maps and the challenge for this one was make an asymmetrical map that has lots of rounded features as there aren't many round pieces. I think I did alright on that, but meh what can I say not much to work with.
  5. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    My suggestion for this map is to stick with the style you used on one of the bases and use the same style on the other two. Right now, the map might work structurally, but it looks messy because each base has a completely different look. I dont mean to make the bases the same, just use the same pieces and textures so that everything blends together as a whole package. A change like this can also make the terrain area look better in contrast.
    To Be Destined likes this.
  6. To Be Destined

    To Be Destined Legendary

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    this was my first idea. once i had red and blue done however i became stuck lol. everything i put in didn't fit, purple is more of a random base because of this, also jungle was like that but i have grown to like it, although it feels cramped. think i will alter it a bit in V1.2
    I will try and see what i can make of purple but am dangerously close to the item limit of getting frame rate issues. :/ may just end up being what it is as a first attempt on H2A. Thanks for the feedback :)

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