Just my luck lol. Only two days after I started reforging my own Turf remake from H4, I see one's already been made. Ah well, I'll still finish mine since I'm almost done anyway. This one looks pretty good. It definitely feels like Turf throughout most of the map. I especially like how you did the Scarab. That adds a good amount to the map's atmosphere that most Turf remakes can't get right. I had considered doing something else back there instead of a Scarab, and now I don't know whether I should go with something else or try to forge my own scarab at risk of copying you. There are a few spots on the map that looked like they could use a little more work. The dimensions of some of the hallways seems a little big, and the med tent seems almost twice the size it should be. The ramp from the street in front of the garage to the second level by sniper (the one that goes inside) looks too long compared to the original. A few spots could use a little more love aesthetically, but all in all this looks like a good start to a good remake. Keep at it. EDIT: Also, you might consider reforging this on Skyward. I really wanted to do Awash for my version, but the 30 seconds of darkness is really distracting. Hopefully that ends up being fixed in the near future, because Awash is much better for human maps than Skyward.
Yeah, like this map a lot but have to agree with dark prince, the 'skyward' canvas really eliminates the darkness on the start of the match. Its unfortunate we have to deal with it but CA intentionally placed that in for reasons unknown to us. Everyone loves this map, its a good classic to bring back. Glad you did.
I kinda doubt that the lighting issues on awash were intentional on CA's side ... the lighting system in general is a bit weird on awash and nebula. The only reliable forgecanvas seems to be Skyward in my opinion, since it also seems to run a bit smoother regarding framerate issues in comparison to the other two forgemaps (Which doesnt make any sense to me though). But nevertheless this seems to be a very solid and well made Turf remake, even though I kinda prever darkprince909's a bit more due to his choice regarding the forgecanvas.
Yeah, I agree Awash is kind of dark, but I like using it for human/city maps. I've also updated the map a little more by putting in lighting so it is easier to see other players. I think it helped out a little bit. But hopefully 343i will eventually address this issue, along with the other forge/custom game issues.