Brief Description --For those who don't want to read the LONG description... The Covenant have taken over one of our ICBM launch facilities. The order has been given to launch a secret strike using Spartan III soldiers. Encased inside their SPI armor, the active camoflauge and speed boost they receive will allow them to infiltrate the facility. Be warned however, the Semi-Powered Infiltration armor system is not known for its durability. Stick together and outwit the enemy to take the facility off line. _________________________________________________ Long Description Earlier today, we lost contact with Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) instillation B18. A single transmission went out, and it is not what we want to hear. A portion of the Covenant's Elite SpecOps commando team stormed and commandeered the facility. They intend to use the facilities three missiles against key areas and troop concentrations. We can not allow this to happen. Command has authorized a mission of utmost importance. A team of Spartan III's has been given the clearance to infiltrate and stop the plans for launch. Keep in mind, your Semi-Powered Infiltration (SPI) armor system has been upgraded to have both shields and active camouflage, but is not nearly as durable as a MJONLIR Mark V or VI suit that the Cheif was equipped with. Stay close to your squad leader, his suit emits the energy required to keep your camo system as stable as possible. If you stray from he 30 meter diameter of the power distribution system, the quality of your camouflage will degrade severely. Currently, your ETA will allow only eight minutes before the ICBM stored in silo number 3 is launched. The Office of Naval Intelligence's (ONI) advance team has already hidden some weapons near your drop zones, however, and armory is located inside the facility. The enemy commandos have set up shield barricades throughout the facility. Destroying the power cores located adjacent to the door will render it inoperable, but ONI has estimated that the breach will only last about 30 seconds, so make it count! ONI has also assumed that the commandos have tapped into the facilitie's sensor grid, you will be visible on their motion trackers even if you are still. Retrieve the access codes for the silo, reach the armory, and upload the codes into the central command computer system to stop the launch. If the central command system is inoperable, a failsafe self-destruct sequence can be initiated from the silo of the missile. Hope it does not come to that. Command out. _________________________________________________ Gametype Description 1 Sided VIP, "Escort" VIP is chosen on next death Points only obtained by reaching goal points. 2 Rounds 8 Minutes Each Base Player Traits: Start with Plasma Pistol, AR Motion tracker mode is "Enhanced" Motion tracker range is 75 meters VIP Traits: Start with Shotgun, AR 50% Damage Resistance 110% Speed Good Camo 30 meter radius VIP effect, causes temmates to have "good" camo. Motion tracker mode is "Normal" Motion tracker range is 25 meters VIP Team Traits: Start with AR, Magnum 50% Damage Resistance 110% Speed Poor Camo Motion tracker mode is "Normal" Motion tracker range is 25 meters Non-VIP Team Traits: No Camo Refer to Base Player Traits _________________________________________________ Screenshots Thumbnails, click for larger. Weapon stash Alpha - Drop point Alpha located next to the plateau behind the red base. Weapon stash Beta - Drop point Beta located just behind this location Enemy fortifications Main door controls Primary access corridor(goal point 1) Shield door protecting central command computer - Inspired by ShockTheta's Citadel map Shield door being breached - The breach will only last about 30 seconds before it recharges, so make it count! Service corridor and teleporter matrix leading to Instilation B18 Armory (goal point 2) Door control for Armory The armory itself (goal point 3) Central command computer (goal point 4) Silo and surrounding fortifications (goal point 5) - Failsafe self-destruct systems located just under silo door. Most of these screenshots have players in them, but they are cloaked. Look hard enough and you will see them! _________________________________________________ Links Map Gametype
Re: Operation SWORD - Objective based gameplay like Assault in UT2004 Please read this topic on how to properly embed screenshots into your post.
Re: Operation SWORD - Objective based gameplay like Assault in UT2004 I will, tomorrow... I have to finish up this report thats due tomorrow...
Re: Operation SWORD - Objective based gameplay like Assault in UT2004 It's already been posted once by Furious. Please don't get rude about it.
Re: Operation SWORD - Objective based gameplay like Assault in UT2004 Here's what I think about the post: If you want people to read the long description, break it up into paragraphs. No one wants to try and read a big block of text. Also, tell us about the game without resorting to acronyms from the books. I loved the novels and applaud you for building a game around them, but most people either don't care about the novels or won't need to know about them in order to enjoy the game you've created. The shorter description and the game breakdown are enormously helpful. Good job on those. As already posted, embed pics into your post. Most people won't want to click and look at one screenshot at a time. With very minimal work on your part, you can allow people to scan all of the screenshots quickly. I have not looked at all of the screenshots, but there do not appear to be any from an actual game. Have you tested this? With so many custom traits, things can get unbalanced very easily. I would love to help you test it if you haven't already, but my 360 is broken. Also, how long do the rounds last? Are there 4 rounds like the default version of Escort? Finally, I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't find some meaningless thing to obsess about. The game where VIP goes for goal points is called Escort, not 1 sided VIP, as you stated under the Gametype Description. [/nitpicking]
Re: Operation SWORD - Objective based gameplay like Assault in UT2004 actually it sounds great to me...i didnt look at the screenshots tho, but the idea sounds good
Re: Operation SWORD - Objective based gameplay like Assault in UT2004 Fixed 1st post, embedded the pictures, and explained the acronyms. Yeah, sorry about the mess. I was short on time and just copy/pasted the thread from
Hey magnet, good job editing the first post. I looked at the description and actually wanted to read it. It sounds really cool. I love the fact that there is a story behind the game (get the access codes, reach the silo, etc.) The pics are now embedded, which is cool, but they are a bit small. Not the biggest problem in the world, but you might post them bigger next time you post a map. Finally, thanks for changing it from "1 Sided VIP" to "1 Sided VIP, Escort." That really made my day.
I'm going to make some changes to this map on Friday. I am going to add a rocket launcher (no spare clips) to the armory room and set it to a 45 second respawn time. It turns out that you can use an RL or Fuel Rod gun to blow open any of the shield doors outside. I may even change it so that your absolutely NEED the RL to reach the Central Computer so someone on the attacking team needs to keep it safe and not waste the shots. Think of it as a "key" of sorts, you would need the rocket launcher to reach the next goal. I think this would add a whole new level of strategy to the game, as you need to protect both the VIP and the person with the rocket launcher (unless the VIP has the rocket launcher, but then you have the chance of loosing both).
Very good, map setup. I would beleive the title " Operation Sword " is turning me off of downloading it. Although I really do like how you set up the map, That would get more downloads in it self.
Well, I needed a name, and the map plays out like a mission, so I randomly picked a name of one of the US Army operations that would fit the character limit for naming on Here's the link to the article linkage