Description: This empty station once housed all of the UNSC's water. What remains now are blissful memories of what happened. 4-8 players. Must use Snipe Off game type. Like my other maps Two Way and Annex, this map is a small compilation of the two in a way. I omitted the always used windows from this map to make a little more spark for game play. I will be back with more pics later on. Me and my other friends played this map with snipers earier and it's good for snipers. This map is a small, symmetrical sniper arena. It's smallness makes you a bit weary with your location.. don't stop moving. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pictures: Overview Spawn A Spawn B The Well Under Well -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gametype: Snipe Off -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download: The Well
Wow scopulus your 4th map already.Do you ever take a break.Lol just kidding.But the idea is very interesting.The interlocking looks well organized.But your post not really.Could you put some more pictures of the map and a better description.And the gametypes possible for this map.But 8/10.
Hey man, please give a better description. Im going to download the map anyways, but no one knows what the hell the maps about!!! : )
oh my bad. I did kinda rush this so I could go find my kitty lol. she's lost. but yea gimmie one sec I'll try to make it a little bit clearer.
your interlocking seems to be well done. very interesting that this is a sniping map, i would have never of thought it was until i read the description. anyways i like the way the well looks. overall good job
This looks like an interesting map, the well is very well interlocked and put together. You have my download, first well ive seen.
thanks, and what do you mean more description. like that it's a small, symmetrical sniper arena or what?