Well i think everyone knows xbox isn't soemones life.Its your life decide what you want to do with it.If you want to waste your whole weekend playing halo go right ahead it won't bother me or you(hopefully).If your friends (if you have any) call you up sayin they're playing baseball and want you to join in and you wanna get a brigadier in halo go right ahead.But I'm sure in everyones life were going to get tired of halo and video games and just enjoy the world.So for now enjoy it while it lasts and decide what makes you happy not because scientists proven 8 hours of xbox a day leads to death but because you want to have fun or whatever.
But u dont understand games r just gonna keep on coming and coming.Different systems and stuff.There will be no stop b4 u know it u will be a 40 year old addicted gamer attached to any new system u get.I met a man on xbl who is 50 years old and has been playing games for 36 years.That picture scared me. And tex i mean a hobby that doesnt involve making u kill ur eyes.
Whats the difference between playing mass amounts of video games and watchin tv form the time you get off work until you go to bed. ALOT more people have the problem of get off work, turn on tv, watch..eat in front of it..fall asleep..wake up watch more..go to bed and get up for work the next day. There is no difference except that TV is less social and more mindless than online gameplay.
I play about 2 hours a day, I've got a 45, I'm good at forge, and I have a life, thats the way to roll.
Amen. I understand you aren't telling anyone to quit, and that you are telling everyone not too play to much, but he is simply comparing television to Halo, which he did a great job of. Therefore, I won't continue the T.V. part of this debate, though, I will add that I feel rather bad as people seem to be flaming you ever so slightly, reason I feel bad, is because I can imagine you getting even further pushed away from Halo, and for that matter, FH...Anyways, whatever you do...don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out! (lol, no offense ofcourse)
I'm not going to quit myself.I'm just gonna play less.And i wouldnt leave forgehub cuz i made a bunch of online friends like ivory and funky and cosmic,and so on. Now on with the important stuff.I do not plan on getting laser eye surgery when i grow up.I do not want to.If ur eyes get that bad from video games ur gonna have too.
So you mean one that ****s your knees and ruins your mobility in the future. I'm in year 11 with exams in a few weeks. I play xbox quite a bit, I used to not be allowed to play during the week but I would crave playing it, now that I am allowed to play during the week I dont find myself playing it as much during the week. I'll play like half an hour before I go to sleep. The people here aren't addicted, they just love it. Its not like they'll die when they're not playing. Its a form of escapisim. In case you are wondering I do have other hobbies, some involve being in front of computers or Tvs but I am interested in Martial Arts, I am a blackbelt in Taekwondo and I have been doing it for 5 and a half years, on top of that I do weights when I can. I manage to squeeze in a lot of time online somehow. I dont know how. What I'm saying is that although I play Xbox and some may say that I'm addicted but it doesnt affect other aspects of my life. This year my grades have substantially improved from a C - B, occasional A student to High Bs and As, and oddly enough I have more freedom in what I'm allowed to do. And I'm so much more relaxed. When you rid something out of your life cold turkey, that's not neccessarily a good thing, you begin to crave it. You wanna rid yourself of your Xbox when it sounds like you really enjoyed it, it seems that your doing it to please society. Peer Pressure, maybe. If you want to get rid of something that has provided you with hours of entertainment go ahead, you fail how ever you want to fail. While us who want to enjoy life the way we want to, instead of what others want us to enjoy, will be happy. Also, Nemi I loled at everything you said.
Sometimes xbox distracts me from what i should be doing, e.g studying 4 A level. At the moment i cant be arsed 2 go on my xbox, besides after playin 4 around 2 hours my eyes sting like a wanker.
That's your fault. Dont stare mindlessly into the tv. I dont think I've ever gotten eye strains when playing and I, on ocassion, have had 4 and above hour sittings. The only time I've had something remotely like eye strains is when I played up to 5 am in the holidays once and my eyes couldnt stay open not matter what I did.
<<< will stay on xbox for 12 hour periods :-X lawl also, i read that wall-o-text linu, cold-turkey quitting is never the answer....
Ting, what possesed you to assume no one on here has a life? I have a full time job that I love for the most part. I do Boxing 3 nights a week. I own and ride motorcycles. I have many friends all over New Zealand that ride as well that I pay visits too and ride with as often as I can. I hang out in town with mates nd have a few drinks and flirt with the hot chicks. Video games make up maybe 8% of my life if even that. You don't want to be talking to us, the calm collective, who can play a game and enjoy getting beat by our online mates. You want to e talking to those drama queen 8 year olds that scream and cry and throw a fit every time someone kills them. The stupid ones that think games are real.
Well said, Waylander. The fact that someone plays a video game, even excessively, does NOT mean that they have no life and/or hobbies. I do not feel the need to go into any detail about mine, because I doubt anyone cares a particularly large amount anyways. It is the internet, after all. That said, I've realized something rather ironic: Ting, you're essentially saying that FORGING is a waste of time. On a FORGING community, no less. In forge, you aren't actually PLAYING a game, you're exercising your creative mind to construct something everyone can enjoy. What's the difference between forging a map and, say, drawing a picture or writing a song? Essentially, there isn't one. So hop off your high horse. Because if you claim forging is a waste of time, then you are, by association, saying that writing, music, art, and all the rest of those hobbies are pointless, too.
[sarcasticdribble]Woah...you mean video games arent the most important thing in the freakin world!?[/sarcasticdribble] I honestly challenge you to find a normal person that consistenly plays 6 hours a day,during the week.Along with school/work and what have you. You point him out and ill show you the MMO addict,which is a whole other kettle of fish. Honestly this was an idiotic post at best.You come across in the OP as some preacher trying to save us peasants form a scourge. When in reality its a bit more like the "smoking can seriously damage your health" on the cigarette packets. Everyone knows, It doesnt stop any of them, Everyone knows videogames are bad in too big doses,ergo only the foolish play excessive amounts.The vast majrity might play frequently but not too much. I for one might play 2hrs a day between Age Of Conan and my 360 games,and thats only when i have nothing better to do. And by the way,videogames can be the most social activity in the world if you pay attention. Ive made 5 real life friends over xbox live.Another guy in my school woulnt be half as big a friend to me if we hadnt played with each other over xbox live,he'd just have been one of the other people in my year. Now pretty much every month him,me,another mate and 4 other guys we know meet up to system link,settling petty inter-school rivalries through gunfire and explosions. (st.michaels 3-CBC -0.....Owned in the face CBC!lol) Frankly if you were one of the addicted nutjobs you run into now and again and have stopped... Congrat-a freakin-lations. I think from the majority of the comments you can see we dont care that much.We arent addicted in any way and are quite frankly taking offense at your accusations that we are obsessed with videogames. Honestly not trying to be offensive here but this is what i think of your argument.
Do u really want me to point out this cuz i have one friend that plays plays video games everyday for 5 or more hours.But this is not like straight its how much he plays each day. His gt is ZGRUNT.There i already pointed it out. And i doubt that out of over a million people that play xbox that u meet 5 outta 1 million on xbox live.And these people go to ur school which makes the odds even slimmer.
LOL @ the "smoking can seriously damage your health" part, though i feel like we are just slapping this dude in the face now, i for one am gunna stop looking at this thread now...hopefully, simply because i don't wanna see any more flaming...which flaming is inevitable, but ya...gone..
Tinginho, you should stop posting in this thread or ask a mod to close it because you've lost. Everyone disagrees with you, stop trying to preach to us with 1 off stories. You know of 1 person who plays a lot. Whoop-defreakin-do. You cant win this arguement. so stop trying. The people here have lives, and we live them the way we want. You're like a hardcore bible thumper, you must force your opinions down our throughts. You may think enjoying what the world gives us is a waste of ours lives but that's your opinion, we have lives and we live them the way we want to. As I think I've said it appears that you are only doing this because you think that others think that it'd be the right thing to do. And isnt it weird that you start to hate the xbox when it breaks.