I dunno how many of you remember myself or Given to Fly, but we were both avid forgers back in the Halo 3 days. And while we were content sitting in our rocking chairs, talking about the days of old, we're jumping in head first into the 1v1 tournament. We've got about 5 or 6 maps ready and completed for the tournament so I figured I'd post a preview of one of them This is The Gallery of Kings, our first map. If you don't understand the name a quick google search will likely clear it up for you. Enjoy! Looking forward to seeing all the submissions!
This looks awesome. I am a pretty big fan of your maps for their Aesthetic value. I want to play on these now !! Lol Good work again. I'd like to maybe feature some of your new stuff in a pack if that's the sorta thing you're into. Or maybe a trailer.