After venturing into the past to rediscover the Unearthed Map-Pack, I decided to return to Foundry in an attempt to incorporate all of my forging expertise accumulated thus far. My fellow Forgers, I give you… MELTDOWN Although fission reactors are now obsolete, power stations like this one still supply a wealth of energy. 2-8 players Nuclear Fission power station R-54 was the most recent in a string of power generators designed to supply the Orbital defense grid with broadcast power. After the lunar perimeter was breached and the MAC platforms disabled, the UNSC was forced to repurpose the facility. Unfortunately, Covenant forces targeted the building and caused enough damage that the reactors redlined. Now the facility has been pushed to Meltdown. Meltdown is an asymmetrical map that focuses on Slayer and one sided game-types. The map has been built to be compatible with Slayer (FFA, 1v1, Team); Multi and 1 flag CTF; Multi, Neutral and One bomb Assault; Oddball; Territories; and King of the Hill. Meltdown welds the best elements of my previous maps together, from the aesthetic grandeur of Citadel, the catwalks of Warehouse, and the interlocking of Shanty Town. Meltdown has four bases and a unique shift between symmetrical and one sided game-types. Only two of the bases are used in Symmetrical games, while the other two are employed in asymmetric variants. Defense base (AKA Defense A), Symmetric Game-types Offense Base (AKA Offense A), Symmetric Game-types Defense Base (AKA Defense B), Asymmetric Game-types Offense Base (AKA Offense B), Asymmetric Game-types In symmetric Games, the map’s Sniper Rifle Spawns in Offense B, while the Brute Shot spawns on a platform next to Defense B. In asymmetric games, these two weapons switch places. Offense A and Defense A are connected by a massive Catwalk which also serves to separate Offense B and Defense B. Two Fission reactors help to break the lines of sight, be careful though. Any soul unfortunate enough to enter one of them will be killed almost instantly due to massive radiation exposure. Even if you manage to survive the exposure, you will be stuck in the reactor core (outside the map), until you kill yourself. Laser Tower Catwalk Elbow Interlocking – This is one of the smoothest forged maps I’ve ever laid virtual foot in. Very few bumps, and no unnecessary jumping. Weapons: Shotgun x1 (1 extra clip; 150s) Sniper x1 (2 extra clips; 180s) SMG x4 (2 extra clips; 10s) Plasma Rifle x4 (20s) Magnum x2 (2 extra clips; 20s) Plasma Pistol x1 (90s) Spartan Laser x1 (180s; spawn at start: no) Needler x1 (2 extra clips; 90s) Carbine x1 (2 extra clips; 20s) Battle Rifle x8 (2 extra clips; 20s) Sentinel Beam x2 (120s) Mauler x2 (1 extra clip; 90s) Fuel Rod Gun x1 (Hard to reach and find; 180s) Grenades: Frag x8 Plasma x8 Equipment: Regenerator x1 (150s) Power Drain x1 (150s) Gravity lift x1 (120s) Trip Mine x1 (150s) Bubble Shield x1 (180s) Tips: Meltdown - Defense: - Make sure to acquire the Sniper Rifle as soon as you possibly can. Even though there isn't much you can do with it at close range, it can be invaluable to soften up or thin out the attacking force as they approach. - Make sure to keep an eye on the Catwalk as attackers will almost always take that route after grabbing the Shotgun. - If you are playing a match in which the rounds last more than three minutes, The Spartan Laser can be a great substitute for the Sniper, especially since you will often find that it's splash damage will kill enemies almost as often as a direct hit. - If the attackers cause you excess problems with the Shotgun, grab a Sentinel Beam. It was put on the map specifically to counter the Shotgun. - In symmetric games, grenade spamming can be devastating against Offense A. - Attackers: - Make sure that you secure both the Shotgun and the Sentinel beams as quickly as you can at the start of the match. Allowing either to fall into enemy hands can destroy any chances of victory. Also, be careful to grab the needler to deal with any potential Mauler problems. - If you have three or more teammates, try to attack the enemy base from each entrance at the same time. Odds are you'll lose a man but the defense will have a hard time coping with multiple angles of attack at once. - Make sure to prioritize your targets. Taking out enemies armed with weapons such as the sniper first may seem most beneficial at first, but if you can take out those armed with close ranged weapons instead, the sniper will be in a hard way when you close the distance with him/her. Tips: Redline Unfortunately, there is one honor rule in this map. Anyone who survives the reactors is required to kill themselves. - Humans - The top of the Catwalk can be an excellent last stand position, but be careful, a zombie might be able to lung you through the fencewall. (This almost never happens, but occasionally the game will glitch and allow it.) - If you can get the zombies to group up, do so, a well placed grenade in the midst of a pack of freshly spawned undead can do wonders in terms of recharging your shields. - Zombies have overshields, but don't be alarmed, their health is set to 50%, so all it means is that their shields decay more slowly. - Zombies - If Humans camping in the catwalk are continually giving you trouble, have a Zombie friend or two wait in position at the bottom of it while you get into position at the Fuel Rod spawn. Once you're ready, have them charge and wait until the human emerges to kill them, once s/he moves drop down and kill him/her from above/behind. Just fixed a bug that kept the merged open double box from spawning at the start of the match. Re-uploaded the map onto my fileshare. Uploaded Zombies variant of map: (Redline) Shield decay from the radiation of the overloaded reactors is the primary unique feature of the gametype, while the entire facility (especially the reactors themselves) is constantly exploding. Download Meltdown Download Redline Map(zombies variant) Download Redline gametype
Looks very nice a little like another map i saw recently theres a few small gaps that i can see in yourwall strctures that would drive me mad as a forger ;P but it looks v nice 4/5
You have some interesting features in this map. With fine-tuning you may have a 5 star map. From the pictures though, I don't see gameplay running smoothly.
Nitrous, please fix your signature as it messes with the thread layout. But that map looks like it uses great forging abilities. However, the gameplay looks like another generic foundry slayer map.
I think this map looks really cool. I especially liked the elbow and the ceilings to offense A and Defense A, I haven't been able to pull that off, which makes me angry. Anyways, nice job.
9 replies in as many minutes!? As to smoothness of gameplay testing hasn't shown any hang-ups. As to it being a so-called "Generic slayer map" yeah, you could put it that way, albeit I'm not quite sure about the "generic" bit. I don't really like gimmicky maps per se, they suck up resources out the wazoo, and the novelty they provide seems to have a habit of dying... ...quickly.
Couldn't find the section of fence walls you were talking about, just finished 2 playtests of slayer on it, fixed an item spawn glitch. Otherwise, smooth as butter.
the asthetics are out of this world. the only thing thats bugging me is that ramp at base defense b. it just looks werid
Yeah, I'm rather partial to the catwalk myself. Just finished a few more playtests. The map really isn't cut out for multi flag or standard assault, but they still function well enough. Slayer, KotH, Oddball, Territories And asymmetric games are absolutely incredible on it though. I'll be adding a gimmicky variant called Redline to my fileshare that will also be set up for Infection, Territories and Koth specifically, in which radiation (Shield decay) will play a significant role.
well done for posting a weapon list its nice to know, the map looks neat, and fun some improvement like more cover could b aded