WIP - Urge (Damnation)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by LowGi, Feb 6, 2015.

  1. LowGi

    LowGi Mythic

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    (updated 2/3/2015)

    Urge is basically Damnation with some twists. The main twist is a ramp in the center of the map to help speed up gameplay by giving players new movement options. (Players can walk up the ramp into the center of the map, or jump to the side platforms from the ramp railing).

    Weapons and Powerups

    BR - 2

    Carbine - 2

    Plasma Pistol - 1

    Plasmas x4

    Frags x4

    Sniper - 1

    Shotgun - 1

    Overshield - 1

    Download from my gamertag "LowGi"

    Please feel free to leave any thoughts or feedback, thanks! [​IMG]
  2. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Has a nice theme, But I would try and break up some of the longer sight lines(the main room). I personally also don't like the 4 unit wide ramp in the first room you showcase with the plasma pistol.
    LowGi likes this.
  3. LowGi

    LowGi Mythic

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    Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. I've been getting that "break up some of the longer sight lines" feedback consistently lately. Would you go a little bit more in-depth on a good way to do it? Is making the corners more curved or angled a good way?
  4. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. I've been getting that "break up some of the longer sight lines" feedback consistently lately. Would you go a little bit more in-depth on a good way to do it? Is making the corners more curved or angled a good way?[/QUOTE]

    I find that the best way to break up sight lines post design is height variation, reducing scale, and then cover, in that order. If you, for example, split a large and otherwise open room into two sections, one section a different height or angle and seperated by a wall or cover, then the room starts to play a lot smaller.

    You could apply this by placing a wall connecting to the wall in the middle of the map to cut that room and half, and have different points of crossing over at different height variations. Sort of a big T
  5. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Dammy is my favourite map, so always enjoy seeing maps based off it.

    I wouldnt say long line of sights are a problem, but most side rooms feel a lot bigger than what they should be.

    Overshield is bad in this game, I would never drop down for it. Camo or rocks instead of it would serve a better purpose.

    Although it being symmetrical is a cool twist on Dammy, I dont feel the symmetry really adds anything to the map, maybe add some slight differences to both sides
  6. LowGi

    LowGi Mythic

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    Alright I think I understand what you're saying. I'm basically just going to add a little bit of height variation in the large room in the center to try to force encounters more often. I like your wall idea too, but I feel like I'd make it too complicated in the process.
  7. LowGi

    LowGi Mythic

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    I'll replace the Overshield with a Camo.

    I don't the map is symmetrical sir, the sides are similar, but one side has a portal to get to the top floor, and the other side has a ramp room to get to the top floor. Not to mention the cat walks on each side are different sizes as well.
  8. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Apparently im blind.

    Either way, embrace the asym more.

    Agreed on camo, but dont put where there are massive LOS, it ends up just acting as bait for the team with top control (this was seen with the MLG penance with Rocks at lily). Have the camo not spawn at start, and part it at the bottom of one of the side rooms

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