WIP - Rotunda

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WhiteRice321, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. WhiteRice321

    WhiteRice321 Ancient
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    Hey so I'm not sure if anyone remembers me around here (I kinda went dormant throughout Halo 4 but i posted a bit in the Reach and 3 days). But I picked up an Xbox over Christmas and have been tooling around with forge a bit recently in my free time. This is the product of my labors:


    It's a bit of a quick flythrough but I was trying to show as much of the map as I could in that brief 30 second clip.

    I'm thinking its around a 2-4 player map although I'm having trouble visualizing exactly what the optimal player count is just because while the map is fairly large it is also somewhat simple to navigate because of its sort-of layered verticality. Obviously one of the big focuses of the map was the integration of curving architecture, but I also kind of wanted to make a map that combined both an indoor and outdoor feel fairly fluidly. My biggest concern here was making sure the transitions felt good for the player and that their was enough space and dance floor to maneuver when indoors. I feel like the end result harkens back to a bit of an odd fusion between halo 4's Haven and Halo 3's Guardian.

    I've nailed down most of the basic layout and design elements although I'm uncertain about my current weapon layout (2x plasma grenade, 1x Energy sword, 1x Brute Shot, 1x BR) and the sort of blue area lift I have going on at the moment. My concern with weapons is that I'm generally just using them to encourage traffic to areas I think otherwise wouldn't see much play (which has its advantages and disadvantages). Its also been awhile since I've messed with spawning so I don't doubt that will need a good bit of tuning as well. Finally I just need to clean up a couple points of sloppy forging throughout too.

    I'm generally just posting this to try to get some fresh eyes on it and see if anyone would be interested in helping me test it. I'd appreciate any feedback you could give based on the video, and if you have any questions about anything you see (or don't see) let me know and I'll do my best to answer them :).
  2. cookies4you

    cookies4you Halo 3 Era
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    Your map is beautiful...

    Does the water kill, or is it "k" water?

    Also, the Brute Shot looks really out of place.

    I'm open for testing pretty much any time today.

    My GT is PartialSquid, just message me when I'm online.
  3. WhiteRice321

    WhiteRice321 Ancient
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    The water kills, the railings are there so you have to actively try to fall out of the map to hopefully circumvent some accidental deaths.

    Yeah at the very least i think i need to create some kind of frame/stand for it if not move it, I'm just not certain where to put it entirely but I feel like I need it to balance the sword.

    I can't test today, but I'll add you when I'm on next.

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