1v1 Weapon Timers

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Making a 1v1 map and having trouble deciding how often your weapons and power-ups should spawn? Here are some suggested weapon spawn times for you to start. The best spawn time for your map may vary from the one listed here, so experiment!

    Power Weapons

    Sniper (no spare ammo): 60 seconds
    Brute Shot (no spare ammo): 60 seconds
    Rocket Launcher (no spare ammo): 120 seconds

    Power Ups

    Overshield: 60 seconds
    Camo: 90 seconds
    Speed Boost: 60 seconds

    Other Weapons

    Battle Rifle (default ammo): 30 seconds
    Silenced SMG (no spare ammo): 60 seconds
    Magnum (default ammo): 30 seconds

    Carbine (default ammo): 30 seconds
    Needler (default ammo): 30 seconds
    Other Plasma Weapons: 30 seconds

    Grenades / Plasma Grenades: 15 seconds

    Keep in mind that most maps will contain only a few weapons and power-ups, and that not every weapon is appropriate for every map. If you place a Rocket Launcher on your 1v1 map, do it with care. Also, feel free to try weapons not included on this list and take advantage of H2A's sandbox!
    #1 WAR, Jan 25, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2015
    Goat likes this.
  2. cookies4you

    cookies4you Halo 3 Era
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    Where's the Shotgun on the list?
  3. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Shotgun is an instant kill weapon and with no spare clips has 12 shots in the chamber.
    theSpinCycle and Joe Mama51 like this.
  4. TaK

    TaK MLG Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I really like 75s for camo. While camo does last for ~45s it is out of the weapons listed(except maybe brute I haven't really messed with it at all in H2A) by far the strongest. As such both players should be there 100% of the time and as camo gives no immediate advantage to the player who grabs it, provided it is positioned well, grabbing it comes at a serious disadvantage. This in my experience results in camo being burned frequently and rarely getting used for the full duration. As such if on average you get maybe between 20-30s of use out of camo you end up with a 60s down time on it. I feel that at 75s you get closer to a 50/50 split on perfect use which I feel rewards good use of camo.

    As for frags, I haven't really played many 1v1s on H2A but I imagine with the dynamic of being able to hold 4 grenades of each type starting with 2 frags and being able to get more by moving to key parts of the map should be incentivised. By never allowing someone to "refuel" their frags except by killing people you are not allowing people to use them as freely and forcing them to be a more valuable commodity then they should be in a Halo game. Grenades should be used as appropriate and not with-held because there might be a better use for them down the line. If you use yours and want more you should have the option to take a less than optimal route or put yourself in a slightly disadvantageous position to get more, or you could always just kill your opponent.

    Something I found and really enjoyed in H3/H:R was not actually putting a respawn time on BRs/Carbines(1s) and instead spawning them with only one clip and putting them in areas you traverse normally(things like hallways and ramps, not power positions) but just slightly out of the way. That way if you want to stock up on rifle ammo you instead of having to go out of your way to grab some off a dead body or in a weak position you instead sacrifice your time. However this allows players who rotate around the map in smart ways and think about their movement to grab a clip here and a clip there when traversing to more important power weapons, but not completely punishing someone who wants to grab snipe/brute or some other absurd combination only forcing them to take an extra second or two to get back up to a decent number of bullets.
  5. Sethiroth

    Sethiroth Sensei
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    Tak to be honest i like you but dont talk about timers. There where fine. Your timers might be better on green house in halo 3 but no one wants to play on those timers. plus camo on H2a is extremely powerful compared to other games. The timers where fine for what this contest is trying to do
    Korlash likes this.
  6. TaK

    TaK MLG Legend
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    Greenhouse was a 70s timer with a substantially weaker BR, camo is made way worse when you can actually hit the target with a functioning weapon, even given that I still suggested upping the timer to 75. If you think in a 1v1 game, the strongest power-up on the map, one that gives no immediate combat advantage, is not going to get burned a large percentage of the time you are crazy. If by some chance your opponent let you have the camo uncontested they deserved to get ran if they cant play around camo or didn't take something that at least gives the a fighting chance(OS).

    Obviously camo is strong, that's its role in 1v1s. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to put camo to good use, harder than something like rockets in 4v4 but way less skillful then a snipe. The role of camo is to undeniably force 2 players to the same location at the same time and force a confrontation. It is what prevents maps from becoming a slow drawn out camp fest like Guardian without having to be an arena map.

    Not every map needs a camo but on maps that do need it to force an engagement assuming its on a 90s timer(not spawn at start as it should be) it will spawn 6 times in a 10 minute game. That is a small number of engagements to force if you are playing a style of map that needs it, and if you aren't why is there a camo on the map anyways?

    That was the only point I made in my original post, and if I wanted to play Greenhouse I could just go reforge it in 15 minutes and play it or load up Halo 3 itself. But I would rather play H2A games that have a working BR and actually allow for forge maps bigger than a stamp.
    WAR likes this.
  7. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    So that'll be a 30 second respawn time then
    TheElderAcorn and a Chunk like this.
  8. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Two per map then though, you gotta keep it fair for each player.
  9. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Thanks for the input Tak, I'll test out different timers on the camo. 90 seconds works for me but if we can speed up gameplay by dropping this down then I'm up for it. Something that marks my hesitation is that I'm cautious of players hiding with camo when they have lead towards the end of a match, so depending on player style, the activity would be encouraged with faster timers.
    #9 WAR, Jan 26, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2015
  10. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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  11. SpiritGuardian

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    Two per map then though, you gotta keep it fair for each player.
  12. MajorGamer

    MajorGamer Forerunner

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    I definitely strayed away from this guide when setting the spawns on my map lol..

    Right now I have the overshield, sniper and brute shot (both 0 clips) set on the same 90 second static timer. I also have a plasma pistol which spawns on a dynamic 120 second respawn. Also frags are on 30 second respawns, while sticky nades are 40 second. As mentioned in the OP, they times will vary depending on how the map plays.

    I've also found thru play testing that the camo is ridiculously overpowered for 1v1 matches. Its basically the entire games focus getting that powerup.
  13. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
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    Whether or not Camo is overpowered depends upon many factors. I agree that it will often be the focal point of the match. That isn't necessarily a bad thing. In tournament play, players often tend to play more conservatively. Having Camo on the map almost forces players to move, so in that sense it can offer the perfect amount of power.
  14. MajorGamer

    MajorGamer Forerunner

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    True. I think the reward of leaving a power position to grab it still outweighs the risk. Partly because of how long it lasts.. ~42 seconds. Once you have it secured you can pretty much get the jump on the other player a couple times on a small map before it wears off. It all depends though, what other power weapons are on the map to counter it, map layout, etc. Gonna be interesting to see what this tournament births lol
    a Chunk likes this.
  15. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You put camo in a completely undesirable location on the map. That creates the dynamic necessary for a 1 v 1 and creates map movement.
  16. iParanormal

    iParanormal Member
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    What about spawn times while using static weapon spawn times? Do you think they should be the same? Static spawn time at 60 second would make the weapon too common like Halo CE. If i use static spawn times I like 90 seconds for the sniper, 120 for powerups.
  17. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    The suggested spawn timers are assuming that static weapon spawns will be used. That said, you should do whatever you feel is best for your map.
  18. iParanormal

    iParanormal Member
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    IMO its kinda hard to assume people are going to use static spawn times.. Especially in H2A because there's the additional obstacle of using scripting to achieve it. Its far too easy to dirty spawn times when they're just placed on the map... it takes out that consistency that genuine competitive gameplay relies heavily on.
  19. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    "Its far too easy to dirty spawn times when they're just placed on the map... it takes out that consistency that genuine competitive gameplay relies heavily on."

    This is exactly why we suggest using static spawning weapons. However, it's by no means required. I fully expect that the majority of maps submitted will not use static spawning weapons.

    "IMO its kinda hard to assume people are going to use static spawn times.. Especially in H2A because there's the additional obstacle of using scripting to achieve it."

    I think you may have misunderstood me. I'm not assuming that people will do static spawning weapons. I merely meant that the suggested times listed are intended for static weapon timers. If a person is not doing static spawning weapons, they should probably adjust their weapon spawn times accordingly.

    I understand that scripting static spawning weapons is a hassle compared to just placing weapons on the map, and even compared to drop spawning, but doing static spawning weapons is really not that complicated. It takes about 5 minutes, which is extremely minimal considering the amount of time it takes to forge a map. The benefit to gameplay should easily justify the extra effort required.
    WAR and iParanormal like this.
  20. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
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    Brute Plasma Rifle>Plasma Pistol
    Plasma Pistol is OP based on the map.
    Whoever is spawning a 4 shot brute shot at 90 seconds should think about lowering it. Overshield also sucks so no real need for 120 timer.
    You want players to have to move to pickup weapons otherwise certain types of players(like myself) will just ***** out and be able to keep the game slow through weapon control and have less need to move.

    Do as you wish these are suggestions if you anybody is having a hard time with a weapon layout.

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