Hey guys, sorry if this isn't really a new subject but I can't seem to find the help I'm looking for anywhere. Since the last update, saving forge maps has been a hassle. All of my previously saved maps are just gone and any newly worked on map has a chance of disappearing as soon as I save and quit the forge session. Sometimes they pop up the next day, but there's also a chance they won't. Is there a fix to this or is it an issue to be resolved in a newer update? I'd appreciate any info on this matter.
I'll try and update if anything changes. However, I feel like I've reset the console a few times after the issue came up but I could be remembering wrong.
i hard reset is different then normal restarting because it clears the cache and if you're using the always on option instead of energy saver turning the console really only puts it to idle with you showing offline so a hard reset would completely turn the xbox off.
Right. So I did the hard reset. It seems to have fixed the saving issue in that it actually showed a map I just saved as a test. That said, the maps that I first forged when Halo MCC recently launched, and some after that, are still gone. I suspect this is a result of an update somehow. Anyway, I'll continue to save a backup version of each map in my shared files list. At least now the maps show up so I can upload them. Thanks. Hopefully the rest of my maps won't get lost.
I am having issues saving gametypes now. It seems like each patch fixes one problem and causes another somewhere else. We should feel lucky I guess though. We are the first people to get to play a beta within a beta.
This is stupid now. I can understand certain problems occurring in multiplayer; it was pretty ambitious of 343i to have all previous Halo engines working on the current online enviornment after all. However, it seems like H2A was always going to happen. Why in the world then are H2A files so messed up?!