General Halo Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Not me, but we have some admin staff like Dragan and Overkill that do. What are you looking to accomplish?
  2. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    already figured out the issue i was having
  3. Oliver Orchard

    Oliver Orchard Legendary

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    Sounds good to me, Thanks for the information. Hopefully something will start up, I'm Looking forward to getting back into forge.
    a Chunk likes this.
  4. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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  5. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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  6. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I really don't care for the video format, and I really don't like this dude hosting it.
    a Chunk likes this.
  7. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    Agree on both counts. The guy doing it isn't terrible...just a bit robotic. It's painfully obvious that he's reading a script.

    Looks like we're getting our first look at a new (forge?) map in the video, at the 2 minute mark.
    theSpinCycle likes this.
  8. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    It's textured. iirc Crossfire was a forge map too.. maybe we get to BSP/texture out our maps in h5 like REAL mapmakers? (hype)
  9. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Like, please, can somebody just take one of these open roof arena maps and remove the lighting. I ****ing swear it'll look better. Just wanna see it.
  10. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    That flashglitz video is amazing Chunk! I can't believe I missed out on that one. So feature worthy. You have to see the "Destiny is Fabulous" too.
  11. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    1-6-15 Update -

    As we had mentioned before the holidays, the team continues to work on upcoming Halo: The Master Chief Collection updates to improve the existing experience and add new content. We’ve continued this work through the holidays, and have multiple content updates in the works. Our next content update, which will address UI and a variety of other areas, is currently on track for delivery next week. We will provide additional info regarding the exact ETA and final details of the upcoming content update once the certification process is completed.

    Additionally, this Thursday, we’ll be updating MCC to include new achievements for Spartan Ops, as well as some additional ones for multiplayer. These will become available this Thursday, 1/8.

    Improving your experience with Halo: The Master Chief Collection remains our top priority, and we thank you for your continued feedback and reports on community forums and elsewhere as we prioritize updates for each CU. We will continue to provide the latest information via this thread.
    WAR likes this.
  12. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    1.12 4:20PM Update -

    Our next content update, which includes updates to UI and a variety of other areas, remains on track for delivery later this week. Additionally, final tests are underway for the Halo 4 and Team Hardcore playlists, and we are aiming to make these available within the next few days. Team Hardcore will launch with Halo 2 Classic variants only, and Halo 3 maps and game types will be integrated in a future update. Other fan favorite playlists are also in the works, including Team Snipers, Team Doubles, an objective-only playlist, and more.

    Additional content updates are on the way, and will include added improvements for matchmaking, parties, and other top community items. Please stay tuned to this thread for updates.
    theSpinCycle and WAR like this.
  13. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Upcoming party fixes! Awesome.
  14. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    1.14 7:00PM Update -

    The Halo 4 and Team Hardcore playlists are now available in Matchmaking. Team Hardcore currently includes Halo 2 Classic game types. Halo 3 tournament-approved game types will be integrated in a future update. Other fan favorite playlists are also in the works, including Team Snipers, Team Doubles, an objective-only playlist, and more – stay tuned for details regarding when these will become available as featured playlists. As always, playlists data and feedback will determine which playlists become permanent additions to the playlist lineup.

    Our next content update is now targeting a late weekend release in order to conduct additional testing. This content update will include improvements to UI, Matchmaking, game-specific multiplayer items, controls, and more. We’ll continue to post updates via this thread, and provide full patch notes once the update has cleared the certification process.
    theSpinCycle likes this.
  15. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    What about a moogin froogin fileshare browser!
    theSpinCycle likes this.
  16. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    Looks like a major content update may be on the horizon...

    1.23.15 MCC Content Update Beta Test FAQ

    "In recent weeks, we have been conducting extensive internal testing of an upcoming content update for Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Given the scale of the update, which includes changes to the matchmaking experience and party system, we are expanding testing to include select members of the Xbox One Preview program to ensure the official release is the best possible experience for all players.

    The content update beta test is open to Xbox One owners within North America who have a copy of Halo: The Master Chief Collection and have opted-in for Xbox One beta testing as part of the Xbox One Preview program. This is an opt-in opportunity and the content update will only be made available to selected participants within the Xbox One Preview program, based on the highest levels of engagement with Halo: The Master Chief Collection. On Friday, January 23, participants selected will be prompted to download the content update automatically when the title is started.

    To learn more about the content update beta test, please see the FAQ below.
    Follow the link for the FAQ -
    theSpinCycle likes this.
  17. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Someone needs to get into that and spam feedback that just says fileshare over and over again.
    WAR likes this.
  18. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    One thing that I don't like about the Beta program is that it divides matchmaking pools. So if you opt into this, you will not match up with global players. You will be limited to playing against other people signed up for this beta. Nothing specifies how this will affect custom games and forge either.
  19. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    Halo Community Update 1.31.15
    Just before the launch of Halo: The Master Chief Collection, you may recall that the Halo Bulletin moved to video form for the first time, taking our weekly written news drop of all things Halo and video-ifying it. While we hope you’re enjoying the new Bulletin on The Halo Channel, we recognize that it is sometimes better (and necessary) to provide updates in the traditional blog form. Thus, I’d like to provide an update on developments across the studio, including MCC content and playlist updates as well as Halo 5. Let’s get to it.

    Halo: The Master Chief Collection Content Updates
    Continued improvement to the MCC experience remains our top priority as a studio. Work on our upcoming content update focuses on three major areas:
    • Matchmaking search time
    • Match search success
    • Lobby / Party Functionality
    Fundamental changes to these systems will improve the overall experience while also allowing us to address additional issues such as title-specific hit registration, matchmaking ranking, and beyond. As this update contains the biggest changes to the Matchmaking system yet, we’ve identified that additional time and testing is required, and we are currently evaluating both timing and need for a CU beta with the Xbox One Preview program, as well as the final public release date in February. We’ll continue to provide the latest updates here on Waypoint.

    Lastly, I’d like to thank those of you on Waypoint, r/Halo, Twitter, and elsewhere who have continued to provide info regarding issues you’ve encountered, and more specifically identifying which ones are most important to you – your continued feedback has been invaluable as we work to prioritize fixes within the CU schedule.

    Follow this link for additional information about Playlist Updates and the Halo 5 Beta -
    theSpinCycle likes this.
  20. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    November Sneak Peek
    Over the past week, we’ve been playing with you, reviewing feedback as we tune existing experiences, and also preparing to deliver new ones. Today, we’ll talk about recent and upcoming game updates, as well as brand new content that will soon be on the way. Welcome to the weekly update, where we’ll talk about all of this and more.

    Playlist Updates & Additions

    Just a few hours ago, the latest Halo 5: Guardians playlist update went live. Thanks to your community votes, Shotty Snipers is available this weekend, and it’ll be around until the early morning hours (pacific time) on Monday. Jump into the playlist to enjoy a chaotic mix of long and close range combat as well as some increased XP rewards.

    But this playlist update doesn’t stop there. We’ve made a few additional changes based on your feedback from this past week, starting with the removal of Orion from all playlists. We’ve pulled the map from matchmaking in order to patch some exploits and make some additional improvements before re-adding it to appropriate playlists. Next, based on feedback regarding map variety and rotations, we’ve added 15 additional map / game type combinations to existing playlists. To see a full breakdown of which game types have been added and where, head over to yesterday’s blog.

    We’ve also made some additional matchmaking changes in today’s update. The first of these was an update to the “One or more members of your fireteam has high latency to the dedicated server” error message. Previously, this message blocked players in error, preventing you from playing with the other player(s), and we’ve now removed this restriction. Also, we’ve been keeping an eye on feedback from international players regarding Warzone matchmaking, and found that we were a bit too aggressive in filtering players during matchmaking. After reviewing the current parameters, we’ve made adjustments that will allow Warzone matchmaking to not only allow players to find matches quicker and easier, but also allow for improved matchmaking for players across the globe, thanks to updated searching parameters that also better prioritize players in your region. Today, thanks to your reports, we were able to confirm that the changes did indeed improve matching for players across multiple regions. We need to do some additional tests to ensure that the changes don’t negatively impact any playlists, so we’ve temporarily disabled the changes, and will be re-adjusting the parameters once these changes are verified.

    In addition to the other items mentioned last week, the team is also hard at work preparing updates for things like Warzone Assault tuning tweaks (more on that with design next week), updating SWAT respawn time to 3 seconds and turning off SWAT friendly fire, CSR tuning tweaks, Seasons & seasonal rewards, actively monitoring and updating ban thresholds, and more. Also, we know many of you are excited to get you Teishin Raikou Armor set, but may not have received yet – don’t you worry. We’re tracking all eligible players, and will roll these out once we’re able to process all of the player data – there are lots of you. We’ll be taking about these updates and plenty more in the weeks to come.

    But now – onto the reason many of you may have joined us today. The new stuff.

    November Update: A Sneak Peek

    In just over a week, the next Halo 5 content drop will be here, and with it comes Big Team Battle in Arena matchmaking, brand-new REQs, and a whole ton of juicy vehicular combat. Today, we’re giving you a sneak peek at what’s in store, and over the course of the next week, we’ll be providing you with more details.To start, we know many of you are ready for some vehicle-based carnage in Arena, and dying to jump into some classic 8v8 matches. You’re in luck.

    Before the Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta, Josh Holmes approached me and asked “can we get a “Pro Team” equivalent of the best community Forgers to help us build Forge?” to which I responded “Yes. Yes we can.”

    Fast forward a few months, and we’ve brought some of the community’s top Forgers in the studio: Warholic, The Fated Fire, The Psycho Duck, Nokyard, and Ducain23. As you saw in the Forge reveal, these gentlemen provided feedback on Forge tools and features that ultimately resulted in a wide variety of improvements across the feature set. During their time here, they also started working on large-scale Big Team Battle maps that were inspired by classic battlegrounds including: Sidewinder / Avalanche, Standoff, Burial Mounds, Longbow, and Headlong.

    As you saw in the latest episode of The Sprint, each map maker selected a classic map on which to base their Big Team Battle map design. These guys built day and night, continually preparing and perfecting their maps for the next playtest with the multiplayer and level design teams. At the end of the week, we had solid canvases that offered a wide variety of BTB combat, and this meant that it was time for the maps to be handed off to the :343: team for continued iteration and development. The Forgers continued to provide feedback and direction for the map, and the team here at the studio continued to iterate on flow, polish, spawn and objective placement, look and feel, and more. For the past few months, these maps have been playtested and polished in preparation for the release of Big Team Battle, and in just over a week, the first four maps will be available in Arena matchmaking. Here’s a quick look at what’s to come:

    Inspired by: Standoff
    A collaboration between Nokyard and the :343: Multiplayer team
    Stolen Forerunner knowledge has made war a glassy plain of death on which few can find purchase.

    Inspired by: Valhalla
    A map designed by the :343: Multiplayer team
    Shake the dust from your feet.

    Inspired by: Headlong
    A collaboration between The Psycho Duck and the :343: Multiplayer team

    By day, a deadly urban battleground. By night, a playground for the reckless.

    Inspired by: Longbow
    A collaboration between The Fated Fire and the :343: Multiplayer Team
    The wide arms of this training site embrace every instrument of destruction.

    Be sure to stay tuned next week, when we’ll dive deeper into these new battlegrounds with the folks who created them.

    New REQ Content
    This next update includes a ton of sweet new REQ content. Over the next week, we’ll be filling in the above graphic to reveal the content, but here’s a preview of what’s on the way:


    Keep an eye on Waypoint and Twitter for these REQ reveals in the coming days. The content is scheduled to drop the week of November 16, and we’ll have more details on what’s to come starting next week.

    And, to keep up to date on all things REQ System, stay tuned here.

    Halo 5 Aiming & Controllers

    Hey everyone – Chris King (Halo 5 - Lead Sandbox Designer) and Scott Sims (Halo 5 – Lead Sandbox Engineer) here. Thank you all for your passionate feedback on Halo 5, the team has been actively following as much as we can and have identified one issue we really wanted to respond to.

    First things first, in the grand scheme of things, this is happening to a small number of people. Most folks are having a good experience and the last thing we want to do is inject either placebo effect or confirmation bias into your gameplay feel, so bear that in mind if you’re having no issues, and just enjoy the dry but interesting technical data. But this is good news for those who are suffering.

    Aiming is the core of any first person shooter experience, and the way Halo controls is key to making Halo, Halo. Weapon aiming is a complex subject and something that the sandbox team obsesses over every day. There are a huge number of factors that feed into the feel of aiming, be it controller hardware, acceleration curves, turn speeds, player movement speeds, aim assist, or weapon fire rates.

    When we started development on Halo 5 we had some very specific goals with regards to aiming. We wanted to provide a best in class 60fps shooter experience, embracing competitive play, with an increased skill gap, while still retaining the essence of Halo.

    To preserve that Halo feel we chose not to re-write any of our base control systems, but instead to perform targeted retunes to balance for the higher framerate and myriad of other changes made to our movement and weapon systems.

    Throughout the project we have worked hand in hand with the :343: Pro team, Microsoft User Research, and test teams and of course absorbed the awesome feedback from the Halo 5 Beta to tune and validate our control systems to what we believe to be the sweet spot for fine control with fast turn speed across all aiming ranges, on all weapon types.

    Players have identified that, by design, the game is a shade “harder” than it used to be, but we are seeing players adjusting to the new speed and precision pretty quickly.

    Unfortunately, some players have identified an issue that occurs due to variance in controller hardware, commonly referred to as “slow turn” bug. This can cause players to become unable to, or inconsistently reach what we call a “pegged” state.

    The “pegged” state is a region in the outermost range of the analog aim stick in which we blend the players turn speed to a much faster rate. This issue is compounded as the control input fluctuates depending on multiple factors - if you are applying even the slightest bit of downward pressure (clenching), moving the stick around the edges a bit (which is why it’s even more problematic when aiming diagonally), or torqueing the stick on the edge a bit more than normal on some controllers.

    The good news is we have a fix for this issue that introduces no perceivable change to the current feel of the game. This change is going through test and pro team validation now and we will have it out to you soon.

    One thing that has become clear in absorbing all your feedback is that Halo players want choice when it comes to controls. And with that in mind, we are also working on another little pet project that will allow even more precise tuning. This update will offer more custom fine-tuned control over controller settings (hint: independent vertical/horizontal sensitivities, the ability to calibrate your own dead zones, more granularity in sensitivity, and more). We hope to have that out for you in December and we will follow up with more details later.

    Thanks for all the passionate feedback, know that the team is reading as much as we can. See you on the battlefield.

    Play of the Week

    This week’s play may not need any introduction at all, as it already has 77,000 views this week. The Warzone match score is 786 – 772, and A Winking Cat has just called in the Spartan Laser. The rest of the story can be told by this clip. It’s worth the full watch.

    Community Spotlight: Halo TrackeR

    Bravo: Hey, xorth! Thanks for sitting down with us today. I think I speak for many a Halo fan when I say it’s exciting to see Halo Tracker being talked about so much since the launch of Halo 5. For those unfamiliar, can you tell us a bit about the history of the site?

    xorth: Absolutely, thanks for having us! The site opened in May of 2010 with player stats, leaderboards, and a ton of other features for supporting Reach and then Halo 4. As avid Halo players, we found great value in displaying the stats in many different ways, tracking over time, and being able to do dig deep. The main reason I started the site was to get better at Halo and I hope that it helps others as well. Since they we have gained a bunch of volunteer staff who spend their free time helping the site become better simply due to their love for the game.

    For the rest of this interview, click the link at the bottom of the post.

    And with that, this week’s update comes to a close. We’ll see you in matchmaking this weekend, and we’ll be back with more on the new upcoming content next week. Talk to you then.


    Halo Waypoint
    theSpinCycle likes this.

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