I am curious to see if anyone can guess what this map takes inpiration from. It isn't from Halo either and if I already told you dont guess. I currently have it set up for Slayer, CTF and KOTH. Power Weapons are two snipers, one rocket launcher and one shotgun. Please let me know what you think and test it out if you get the chance. GT:Chronmeister Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
I need help with CTF spawns. I have 3 respawn zones around each base and a flag away zone up to the halfway point. Maybe the respawn points and zones just need to be moved, but I am not seeing it. Every spawn is game specific too so changing things for CTF wouldn't be too much work, but I'd like it if someone with experience could take a look for me. Its in my fileshare.
You've gotta use the gametype labels Flag_at_Home and Flag_Away (or whatever they're called) to get the static spawn function to work properly.
The trick jumps on this map are for real. This is going to be an insanely fun map to play with full teams. The custom purple lift you made, and obviously spent a ton of time on, looks awesome and I really think that since 95% of the map seems to be blocks, hence no performance issues, that you could spread that aesthetic around for a truly unique map. Could you tell us the game that the inspiration for this map came from?
Ive used the zones properly, I think i just need more. The map is small enough that if I spread out the team spawns, defending the flag should be much easier without getting spawn killed. I was just expecting the game to pick from 3 zones that were pretty close together and not spawn players in front of each other. I have like 8 respawn zones for each team now on their respective sides which should be enough to allow safe spawning.
Just select a Respawn Point, keep it set to neutral, and fly over the map hitting duplicate like a bombing run*. That always seems to help *Don't do that lol
The map was inspired by Terrace from Advanced Warfare. It isn't a remake, but some of the layout is similar. I was really impressed when I first played that map with how well they used height variation without making the map a race for the top. I think I accomplished that here as well, but with a little less height variation because of the lack of double jump. I know how much some of the Halo community hates COD, but hopefully it won't deter them from trying out this map. I actually think it makes more sense, now that MCC is out, to remake maps from other games instead of just remaking old Halo maps that already are on disc. I understood the purpose in Halo 4, but unless the map is a Reach remake, I dont see the point now.