DoJang This was a design i had sitting back since reach and with the forge objects that was given to us in H2A. With the feedback from Seth,Warholic, Schnitzel and Haunted Army i finally able to release a playable version of the map. This design is a Asymmetrical atrium that consits of multi-levels with both short and long LOS. There is always room for improvement on this map and some of the screen shots are not updated, but just minor things have changes. Please leave any feedback in this thread. To download add Big papa salot and just favorite me. Gametypes KOTH TS Oddball Weapons & Power ups Sniper x2 Rockets x1 Battle Rifle x6 Carbine x2 SMG Suppressed x1 plasma pistol x2 Brute Plasma Rifle x1 Assault Rifle x2 Frags x4 Plasma x2 Os x1 Camo x1 Final Updates Removed color from middle Lowered Weapon & Power up timers Shrunk map 1.0 Switch Rockets and OS Added route from bottom court yard to top blue shotgun Added window to gold side Added jump up/window from red shotgun to camo Clean map up V2 updates Removed color from center of map Shrunk map 1.0 Clean doors up Lowered weapon and power up timers Walk Through Screen Shots
Played on this earlier today and it was a great experience. The map is so smooth and looks great. I saw no problems with performance. The weapon/powerup locations were nice, as were the spawns. Good map Salot. Edit: Don't replace Camo with Sen Beam. Camo was really effective and felt right.
Really clean forging throughout the map, the overall aesthetic look and feel of the Dojang is fantastic and really immersive. Weapon and power-up placement seems solid and the routes and flow look good. I am concerned about having the teleporter connect the two sniper spawns together. I think the two snipers will work well with the great LOS on the map and add interest and reasons to move toward those corner areas of the map. I'm just not sure having a teleporter that connects two power weapon spawns is a good idea. I'm not sure you need that extra route, although I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts about the addition. My initial reaction to the scaling of the map was that it was too big and felt more size appropriate to Halo 4, but this might not be as big an issue with KoTH, which I think will be the best gametype for this map (no idea how oddball plays on H2A). Seems like there are a bunch of great options for hill placements throughout the map and I've always enjoyed how KoTH plays on asymmetrical maps. Lighting is solid and consistent and your piece usage is good, maximizing each piece for optimum contrast and geometry output. Overall map is looking solid. Scaling and teleporters are the only thing that stuck out to me from the images and video.
I am working on a update for this map as we speak. I am addressing the tele's now. I think shrinking the outsides of the map will allow me to do this. Thanks for all feedback
I may have more feedback later if I decide to add it (I would like to walk around on the map again though), but my first thought after looking at the screenshots is that you should remove the color on a bunch of the blocks in the middle of the map (those currently colored yellow). Those color strips in the middle are just messy and unorganized in my opinion. The map would look much cleaner if only the popular sites were color-coded.
I agree with Korlash on this. Because you use the foliage and cliff pieces to give good contrast and breakup the two-tone color of the rest of the pieces there isn't a need for coloring all those blocks. Honestly, I think by just removing the coloring from the floor blocks could accomplish this and would look much nicer.
Colour code popular parts of the map, such as rooms. Get rid of that jump up to top mid at the end of the video. We need to see where hills/power weapons are. Currently, rockets at top mid is a bad choice. Such a vertical map means you want top control anyways, literally drop those rockets underneath to bottom mid (or to a room not used, depends on hill placements). OS top mid, the defensive power up that reinforces the dominant position of the map. OS is ****, so putting it top mid wont snowball the game too much. Rewarding top mid control with rockets stops teams being able to take back top mid.
I agree with the rocket placement Doju recommended. Rockets top bridge worked on "Lotus" because travel distance was really long on that path so players were exposed to sight lines from the bases and flanks longer, making it really risky to pick up. On Dojang, I think you can secure rockets quite easily with little contention from the blue and red gates. I'm liking the natural terrain pieces included here, themes out the central garden area of the map really nicely. The map looks really promising and the space has really gone through many transformations with respect to scale. Great work on getting this map to feel tighter and less open. Still looking to get games on this to provide gameplay related feedback. Great job Eddy!
Map needs to be smaller too, this aint Halo 4 anymore. I know Quinn has expressed his desire to have maps upscaled for the slightly better BR, but, thats nonsense. Map has a decent amount of potential for sure.
v2 will be up today.. i will look into the rocket placement but for now they will stay until i can find a alternative place
Swap overshield and Rockets around. You cant push with an Overshield (especially in H2A), its a defensiver power used to maintain a power position (think up top on Prisoner). Rockets are used to push and take back control from a power position. These two are in the wrong places for both, swap them around, and they both fill their correct role on the map. Not too fussed with Camo's position either, its too close to top mid at the moment. Again, its used to break up top mid. Put camo in blue or red room (possible swapping it for a sniper)
The final version of this map is up. Closing updates Swap Overshield and Rockets Shrunk map up .6 Cleaned up pieces & deleted unused pieces Swap out pieces to make a cleaner look
I didn't see any teleporters and the shrinking of scale went a long ways for me on wanting to play it or not. Layout is solid. Some of the rock placement is kind of meh, but it is forge. Put a sentinel beam top mid.
i been toying around replacing the camo with sentinel beam. The rocks are put there to break color as people have put it, but the theme is a building built into the rocks.
Nice job on the new walkthrough. This version has really taken shape from past iterations. Rockets bottom mid look really well placed. That was a smart switch to make. Pathways are much more organic feeling now too with the rocks and less angular pieces. Still looking to get a game of hill on this sometime.