Appropriate for Slayer games with many people, or Team Slayer with at LEAST 2 people on each team. My apologies for the limited pics. What happens when the covenant tries to invade a storage facility that the UNSC troops are using as an improvised base? Well that is pretty much what Storage is about. It is KIND of symmetrical since it uses the U shape of the map to divide the bases evenly, but the two sides do not mirror one another. Both bases are connected with a two-way teleporter (I closed off the back hallways) that allows entrance into the other base immediately, but doesn't allow you to know what you are running into. The Covenant themed base begins on the left side of the map. Located on this side would be several sticky grenades, 2 carbines, a needler, and maybe one or two other weapons I forgot about. A ghost is placed a little further away but does not give too much power since it does not have much room for maneuvering. -Covenant Base- -Another pic from the Covenant side of the map (That entire section is filled with passages and rooms, it is not one solid object)- The right side has the UNSC theme which provides a Warthog, a Battle Rifle or two, a human turret, and once again one or two weapons I may have forgotten. A portable shield and trip mine are a small distance away. The base has a shield door to prevent spawn sniping and gives shelter to and from the turret user. -UNSC base- Past the UNSC base is a series of stacking crates, walls, and platforms. It just feels like a storage facility, and that is what inspired the name of the map. In the middle of both bases is a small fort with three levels. The bottom provides a hallway between the sides and a teleporter to the snipe platforms (Other side of map). The second has both kinds of turrets, 2 spike grenades and two grav lifts to the third level. Third level contains a invisible powerup. -Middle Fort- Further away, at the very end of the map is the Turret stairway, which has a human turret and shield regenerator. There are several fusion cores behind. Underneath the turret is a teleporter to the sniper platforms. (Underneath the Chief is the teleporter) Above it all can be found 3 sniper platforms with a teleporter for each, and one sniper rifle on the last of them. There is plenty of cover in the map so the sniper does not get out of hand. -Sniper platform- Scattered throughout the map are a few grenades, a Brute Hammer, a Mauler, ammo for the Assault Rifle, 2 firebomb grenades (Same location on each side) and some other minor weapons. You cannot see every detail of the map, and some different corridors/hallways are missing, so I hope people will download and test before judging it. I'd just like some feedback to help make it better if something is off. Thank you. My pics Download the Map here!
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Hey nice with getting the pictures up. Thast sure was fast! I hope from now on you won't have any more problems here at forgehub, but if you do just send me a private message.
I began this map before I figured out HOW to do that, and even after learning I still have problems getting it to work. I did keep this in mind though so just about everything connected is as well placed as it could POSSIBLY be. lol I spent a lot of time pleasing my OCD side with this one. If anything seems at an odd angel, that is because I wanted it to be. Thanks for the comment though.
the only think that would make it better is gitting rid of the teleportors and interlocking a bit but other wise it looks clean and fun
1) Yes, interlocking would be nice, but I don't think everyone needs to say it. >.> _____________________________________________________________________ The map itself doesn't look amazing, but it doesn't look bad either. Its a good idea for a map, but maybe could have been done better. But, gameplay is more important than looks, so I can't talk. based on the pictures, 7/10? guessing at the gameplay here. I mentioned, these pics cannot show the back hallways and passages that are underneath the other levels. I will most likely try to do some interlocking in the future, but not too much that I can think of. While playing it really won't make much difference since I focused on keeping objects VERY close together. It WILL help with some walls though. Teleporters provide a second way of accessing the snipe platform so that way the sniper cannot just sit there the entire game without anyone bothering him. They aren't used NEARLY as much as you'd think. The two bases were originally separate, but at that point no one ever went into the other's base since there was no reason to put that much effort into getting there. All the fighting would take place in the center and it got kind of repetitive. At least this way no one base becomes TOO good compared to the other. And thanks for the advice. I'll look into geo-merging now since I'm not so sure how to do that correctly. I was only able to merge objects with ease. (After playing please rate the map. It would help a lot in deciding whether or not to continue messing around with everything. Suggestions on weapon placement changes would be helpful too.)
this seems to be avery thaught out map using the geo-gltiching into the walls really puts this map into pride, but you may want to take encounter on what you put in. if you could. put a scan of all the weapons and equipment. and put it here, i mean its hard to give you a good feed back about weapon placement if we don't know much about the maps weapons
well fist of all make a diagram of the map and/or but a list of the weapons like: battle riffle.......4 respawn rate: 90 Covernant Carbine.....4 respawn rate: 45 ect. ect
Very good placement with the scenery but i think it wqould be better if you put more of it cuz it looks empty
I'll make a weapon placement/amount/respawn time map later tonight. Problem with empty space is that I have no money left right now to fix it. I might move some stuff...merge some objects...remove a box or two and fill in a space. HOWEVER...some of the open areas are good because they give a reason for using the assault/battle rifle rather than a shotgun. Question-Is a flamethrower and firebomb grenade a bad thing is placed correctly? I have two of the fire grenades set up in the two crates furthest from the bases, and they usually provide some amusement.