I am trying to organize a night for people to commit to testing on. I am looking to start at 6pm Western. The day of the week will be determined once we can get a group together. I know how hard it can be to get a larger size lobby together and I'm sure some of you could really use the testers as well. The goal of the group will be to offer feedback through party chat while in game, and to hopefully add written feedback in map threads. I think a good way to run the group would be the same way TCOJ used to be run. Each player to sign up is added to the weekly test list which in turn is the order in which the maps will be tested. A normal test session can run 2-3 hours, so that usually gives each person enough time to run two tests. The optimal group size is 8-10 people and any gametypes are welcome. Leave your gamertag below and list the day of the week that 6pm Western would work best for you. We can vote on a group name if that interests anyone as well.
GT: CrypticPromise, I'm Available from Monday to Thursday, although a bit earlier start would be appreciated if possible due to being in the UK. However if that's not possible then I'm ok to fit in. I used to be part of the testers guild back in halo reach, I'd enjoy being a part of this.
Not sure what timezone 6pm Western is, but I'm usually online around 7pm Eastern daily. gt: thefro3po
Doing something like TCOJ again would be a lot of fun. Honestly right now which day of the week it is wouldn't matter much to me, and thats around the time that i'll be playing, so sign me up. GT: DUCK NG For those wondering, I'm guessing that by 6pm Western Cronmeister means Pacific, and if so the times would be as follows 9pm Eastern 8pm Central 7pm Mountain 6pm Pacific 5pm Alaska 4pm Hawaii 2am GMT
Okay, good start. Let's go with Wednesdays at 6pm West. First group tomorrow 12/17/14 Try and get the word out so we can get a bigger group. Right now, we will still probably have to send out a few invites. 1.moo43 2.CrypticPromise 3.thefro3po 4.Chronmeister 5.DUCKNG 6.G043R 7.fame28
I am Interested but will be out of town away from the box from 19- 30 Dec. So if I don't get a chance to play first go around i'll be around monthly for forge. GT G043rs
I would be down to run customs if they consist mostly of more competitive maps? I just don't have the attention span to play infection. Gamertag fame28
I only try to make competitive maps, and I believe most of the others do as well. I am not limiting the lobby to purely competitive as of yet though because I am trying to get all the players in that I can. If one or two other minigame/race/infection maps are in the mix, which was usually the case for TCOJ lobbies, I dont have a problem with it. I am willing to play a couple of matches I wouldn't call ideal to get some tests in. Sometimes they are much more fun than you think. Anyway, if you join the group, I ask that you stick around for everyone to get their tests in. I'll add you to the list for now.
I don't mind the mini games or races if they are cohesive and make sense for what they are, but infection is the only thing that I have a hard time keeping interest in playing. If I came in I would play all till the end, I don't quit when I commit. lol (Speaking of mini games I miss the gladiator game)
I think I can do 6 on Wednesdays. My work got too busy, so I couldn't make the TCOJ lobby anymore. Work's still busy, but 6PM western is after work for me. Probably can't start till after Christmas. I'm looking forward to it. GT = LEE C G
GT is EquinoxOfTheSun I'm pretty much available whenever, but more towards evening is when I'm on more
If the Wednesday night customs are still going on, I would love to join up... GT: Raptor086... I love to play on other's forge maps, and I always have maps that I'd love to run with decent sized lobbies.