Hey all, I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to have the location to where a flag spawns and return to different from where the team would capture an enemy flag in H2A forge? In Halo 3 these were separate objects with the Flag Stand and Flag Capture objects, but in H2A the game label determines the object's function and it seems the capture and spawn function are tied to the same label. I tried thinking of a way to use scripting but couldn't imagine anything that would function the way I intend. Thanks for the help in advance!
I've missed this dearly since Halo 3. It's wasn't possible in reach or H4 so I doubt it's possible this time around. I would love if it was though. Anybody try it yet?
That's what I feared, oh well. Worse comes to worse I could always implement multi-CTF only objects to block certain paths or just leave it uninteresting. I have been trying different labels and combinations but it only gives players two places to score or disables one of the plates. However, if anyone does figure it please let us knoe.