Frontier (WIP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ShamaL1ama, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. ShamaL1ama

    ShamaL1ama Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Introducing Frontier, a spiritual successor to my map Frontier from Halo 4. Frontier is a 10-12 player symmetrical map that was built with Two-Flag CTF in mind. Due to this still being a work in progress, as I need to test the map to make sure it flows well, I am completely open to criticism. Now onto the juicy details!!

    This is version 2 of the map as I've gone through some significant changes. Still a work in progress though.

    Overview/Weapon Layout
    Weapon Spawns:
    Sniper - 180 secs
    AR - 30 secs
    BR - 30 secs
    Shotgun - 180 secs
    Needler - 90 secs
    Grenades - 45 secs

    Walkthrough: (captions of pictures are the ones below the picture)
    Invis Spawn - Center of the map right past the switches for the main base gates.

    No-Man's Land - this shot shows the open area between Red Base and Blue Atrium. We can see the Red Base gate switch in the top right of the shot and on the top left is the shotgun spawn. The bright area where the light is coming in is where Blue Walkway connects.
    Red Base 1 - This is where the red bridge connects to the top of Red Base. The terrain piece walkway leads towards shotgun spawn.
    Red Base 2 - This is a shot from the terrain walkway to shotgun spawn on the left. We can also see the Br spawn next the the main gate entrance of Red Base.
    Red Shotgun Spawn - To the right of the strut barricade is the shotgun spawn. We can also see the pathway to the red gate switch to the right of the column and to the left we can see the pathway to Blue Walkway.
    Blue Shotgun Spawn - We can see Blue Bridge in the distance on the right as well as the incline to Blue Walkway.
    Blue Base switch - This switch located on the upper walkway of Red Atrium activates Blue Base's gate. The pathway past this switch leads to the invisibility power-up.
    Blue Walkway 1 - In this shot we can see the red column entrance that leads to the red gate spawn in the dark. We can also see Blue Walkway that wraps around the outside of the map.
    Blue Walkway 2 - We can see the grenade spawn in front of the blue EMP light as well as the incline leading to Blue Atrium. Also on the left is blue bridge that leads to Blue Base.
    Blue Atrium 1 - We can see the tunnel that leads to red switch near the top left of the shot as well as the Ar spawn on the column to the right (SMG for some reason). In the center near the bushes is where the sniper spawns.
    Blue Atrium 2 - In the bottom of this shot we can see where the sniper will be placed once it spawns. Also in the top right we can see the entrance to blue bridge.
    Blue Bridge - We can see how blue bridge leads from Blue Atrium to Blue Base as well as No-Man's land to the right of the shot. Also in the distance is blue shotgun spawn.


    As you can tell it has come a long way but it still has some features that are similar to its original incarnation.

    If you are interested in getting a better view of my map feel free to add me (gt: ShamaL1ama) so that I can give you the proper tour. Other than that, thoughts or questions?


    Version 1
    • Removed mongooses
    • Removed the rock walls to make the map lighter and feel more open
    • Removed some of the flooring so water would be in the map to constrict movement onto the bridge (stepping into water kills you)
    • Moved sniper to sides of the map as I felt having the sniper right where you teleport to could lead to camping. Also makes it more of a contest to get rather than who ever goes through the teleporter on each team first gets it
    • Added another back route to main bases so that it didn't feel as constricted. I also added a trick jump up to the second floor of the main bases from the front (S0UL FLAME)
    • Narrowed the sniper spawn area leading to the back entrance of each main base as it was too open (S0UL FLAME)
    • Added additional cover for spawns on each side of the sniper (S0UL FLAME)
    • Re-uploaded pictures with better lighting to better showcase the map (purely fat)
    • Removed tin cups and added bushes (trees) to avoid invisible walls (thefro3po)
    • Added spawn zones for Multi-flag CTF as well as flag stands
    Version 2
    • Removed a lot of bridges to fix lighting/lag
    • Took out Teleporters/Side bases
    • Added pathway along main atriums to aid in flow
    • Took out sniper towers and shortened area, moved shotgun over here
    • Reworked tunnel behind each base
    • Reworked each base visually
    • Reworked bridge to add more maneuverability
    • Lengthened atrium and moved sniper here
    • Moved needler onto floor in front of atrium and grenades to outer pathways
    • Added gates with switch to disperse initial movement to sides of map
    • Removed gates/switches as they felt like a waste
    • Added shrubbery as vines to get give the map more life
    • Moved the needler back up to walkway and changed Invis to Speed boost so that one will have more of an incentive to go through No-Man's land and center.
    #1 ShamaL1ama, Dec 1, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2015
    K a n t a l o p e and S0UL FLAME like this.

    S0UL FLAME Mythic
    Senior Member

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    The aesthetics of the map are very nice, but I feel like Red and Blue base are too segregated. Any way to open up a couple more paths?
  3. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Pictures are very dark. I cannot get a full grasp of the map.
  4. ShamaL1ama

    ShamaL1ama Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I reworked my map to add an additional route into the main bases. Thank you!

    There is an issue with Awash where the map doesn't load the lighting for a decent amount of time when the map loads up. This is when I took my photos as at the time I didn't know of this glitch. Until they add a patch my map will be darker at the start but I attempted to take additional pictures that should showcase my map better. However, as you will see, some of the photos are still quite dark due to those sections showing up darker when I take a screenshot with theater. It isn't that dark when you play the game, it just appears that way when I take the screenshot. Hopefully my added descriptions help you picture the map moreso than my pictures can.

    S0UL FLAME Mythic
    Senior Member

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    Nice changes. Looks pretty nice up until I saw the last picture; that's a lot of open space there. I would suggest putting one or two rocks to block lines of sight. Other than that, you've got yourself a solid map now.

    Thumbs up to you!
  6. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I understand that awash is like that. Just delete objects affecting the sun and its crappy angle when taking pictures, or place lights to help show the areas.
  7. ShamaL1ama

    ShamaL1ama Ancient
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    That is a fair point. I felt the same but I also wanted to make it risky for someone going for the sniper by it being fairly open. I'll try to narrow it by using small terrain pieces and add cover away from the sniper to strike a balance.

    That is a pretty obvious solution, lol. I think finals are taking their toll on me. I'll work on re taking the pictures once I get a chance. Thank you!
  8. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    some of these atriums look boss!
  9. ShamaL1ama

    ShamaL1ama Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you!! I added new pictures since your post so that the map is easier to see as it was too dark before. It is still kind of hard to get a real idea how everything is interconnected but once the file share is up and running or once I start to test the map I will hopefully have a video up as well.
  10. S0UL FLAME

    S0UL FLAME Mythic
    Senior Member

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    Alright; your map is really good now. All you need is testing, and it's gold!
    ShamaL1ama likes this.
  11. ShamaL1ama

    ShamaL1ama Ancient
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    Yeah I won't be able to start testing until my exams are over which is mid-December. I still need to tweak spawns/CTF settings but once that is done it will be ready for testing!
  12. thefro3po

    thefro3po Well Known
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Be advised, those Tin Cups still have an invisible walls on them. Not sure if it's just the bottom half that has it or not.
  13. ShamaL1ama

    ShamaL1ama Ancient
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    Just remembered that and was currently in the process of changing them. Everytime I think I'm done, lol. I'm thinking about using some trees as a type of bush. Might make it look better than just grass.
  14. ShamaL1ama

    ShamaL1ama Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry for the double post but it has been a few months as I have been busy and I remade most of the map so it is similar to the old one but enough of a change to warrant a new post. I reworked all the bases and fixed weapon locations and flow for the whole map. It should be ready to playtest now! Thoughts on all the new changes?

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