After finishing my map Remnants for some reason whenever I start up a custom game or start a new round my map is really dark. Over time the map gets lighter but it starts out pitch black. I searched on the Internet about how to fix this and it said certain items tax the lighting moreso than others. I attempted to change my objects but the lighting was still broken. I therefore searched some more and found that having a lot of objects on a map can cause lighting issues. So I went in my map and simplified it but the lighting was still broken. Feeling hopeless I deleted my map so that there were only a few objects on the map (100 or so) and the lighting was still broken! Is there any way to fix this or did I break the map. I don't really want to restart and remake my map as it took long enough to make.
the map is built on awash right? for the first roughly 30seconds on that canvas the lighting is dark and slowly brightens up. @SecretSchnitzel already tweted it to certainaffinity who have put it on their bug list so hopefully it gets patched in a future forge update.
Thank you!! That is such a relief! I was going mad trying to figure out what was wrong with my map. I had no problems with frame rate so I couldn't understand what was wrong.