Hi all, This is my first attempt in any of the Halo's to forge a map. My object count got a little high (about 500) and I still need to add spawns/objectives for the gametypes it will play. This map was slightly ambitious with the underground tunnels and such; at least for me. The map was moved into the sky since the water on Awash is unusable unfortunately, I would have loved to use it and have a real creek but it would have sacrificed the underground bases which have been an integral part of the map since Halo 1. I know I could have saved on piece count if I opted for grass planes in place of the building blocks, but due to the nature of the grass plane it would have been inevitable for me to use them for the front portion of the base leading to the creek and I didn't want the map to look too "hodge podge"; so I opted for a higher piece count and some consistency. I still need to do some reading on the spawn system and how it works in H2A forge to get them all placed in. I'd like to use this map for Neutral Bomb, CTF (3 Flag), and Team Slayer. The map was notorious in H2 for being lopsided in favor of red, to ensure some fairness all initial spawns will be within the base by the flag capture point. I remember from my days of H2, myself or the opposing team spawning right near bottom of the rocket arch and being right by the Overshield spawn. Weapons, powerup, and grenades spawns: 1 x Rocket Launcher (45 Second Respawn, Rocket Arch) 1 x Sniper Rifle (45 Second Respawn, Sniper Cove) 1 x Overshield (60 Second Respawn, Bottom of Rocket Arc) 3 x Shotgun (45 Second Respawn, 1 behind each base by portal, 1 in creek under rocket arch) 6 x Battle Rifle (45 Second Respawn, 3 in each base) 6 x Carbine Rifle (60 Second Respawn, 3 around each base) 8 x Plasma Grenades (30 Second Respawn, 4 in each base) 14 x Frag Grenades (30 Second Respawn, 3 on top of each base, 4 above flag capture point in each base) Weapon spawn times are subject to change once I finish the map and do some play testing. Original Sniper and Rocket spawn was 30 seconds on Beaver Creek in Halo 2 which seems extreme, but I didn't want to go to a full minute to start, so I set them to 45 seconds. Based on testing, it may go up or down. I will do a full walk through video once I have spawns in place. Thanks for looking! Gamertag: RIP Vertigo
Looks pretty solid from what I can tell so far. My only gripe is the block flooring... I know the terrain pieces are hard to work with in conjunction with the underground portion of the map, but I feel the map would greatly benefit from their use. Either that or at least the grass plane pieces where possible. Good job on your first time. If you'd like some help fine tuning it, feel free to hit me up on xbl.
Hey there Vertigo, thanks for sharing your Beaver Creek remake. The one featured in the H2A forge reveal always made me chuckle because the water feature in the middle limited their ability to create the bottom areas of the bases. Glad you didn't subject yourself to the same mistake for aesthetics. Also, have you seen this area of the site yet? This is where most users post maps: LINK.
It's still a work in progress as I fine tune things and actually make the spawning system. So while I'm working on those I figured it best to make a thread and keep it as a WIP until I'm ready for a release. If this is still a problem I have no issue reposting it in the appropriate area, thanks! Thanks SecretSchnitzel. I'm not 100% sold on the block flooring but for consistency sake I kept it as such as I didn't like the "unpolished" look of having grass planes surrounding the bases and then the block flooring up front. I definitely am going to try and save as version with some other terrain but due to its' unwieldy nature and inconsistent shape it does make it far more difficult to work with.
Looks pretty good. I'd be interested in helping test it if you need it once the spawns are in place. If you're worried about the block flooring, I wonder how it would look with a few terrain pieces just below the surface so some of the bumps come above the blocks. It would add a few natural areas of the map and break up the flat surface. Of course, it might make it possible to jump to the roof of the base if it's placed too high.
I'll definitely be looking for play testers for sure. I know it's probably not place to complain as I am a Forge Noob, but I really wish some of the simpler pieces like the building blocks and the grass plane you could at least size them. I don't think that'd be asking too much. There shouldn't be any reason I can't really size a building block that's 1.5 units tall and 4.25 units wide if that's what I want. I mean I get not being able to scale something like the antenna's and such. I will definitely give it a shot once I get an idea of spawns on adding some terrain to break the flooring up barring it doesn't pose issues and impede on other area's or add jumps that shouldn't be possible.
Sorry for the double post, I need to start working on the team spawns and respawn points for Team Slayer, Neutral Bomb, and CTF I'll be using the HCS settings. The spawn system... confuses me. It seems tediously and unnecessarily complicated. Any direction by the fine folks here would be greatly appreciated.