Ah, nice to see that you've put this out. I really liked the earlier incomplete version that I saw. Very well-made close quarters map, Draw. I expect nothing less from you. Maybe we can get some games on here soon.
Ive played a bunch of maps like these all the ones I've played were tons of fun. and took a lot of skill. This map looks like the same thing good job you got my dl ________________ i'm
I enjoyed testing this with you last night. I'm not gonna lie, when I checked the beta out on your file share i was somewhat disappointed. But when we played some games on it I couldn't get enough! Very intuitive map, DTL. Never have I seen Deployable Covers been utilized so effectively before. Each game we played was a blast, and I'm lookin forward to getting some more in with the finished, polished version! Very well done... another insta-classic that'll be staying on my HD for quite some time.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! It may not impress at first, but its the gameplay that will get you coming back. I was a little hesitant to finish the map at first, but I started played in the semi finished areas with a few friends and realized how well it works. This map may not be as popular as some of my previous works, but I think it improves upon gameplay and furthers my ability to create unique maps.
This looks like a really nice arena of death kind map. I agree that Hammers actually looks fun on this level which is something new. I'm DLing and will post back once I've played a few games which I'm looking forward to.
I tested this map out the other day in slayer and i thought it was really fun. My favorite part was the center of the map because of the constant battles lol. love the map ~ZOMG
The Review Hub Map Name:Electron Author:Draw the Line Reviewed By:roche178 Enjoyment: 7/10 I had fun with this map but the gameplay of the map just seems kind of stale, the party and I came to this conclusion after playing a game of team slayer the action was just too far apart and did not feel right. Although there were some Fun moments in the game too. Balance: 10/10 Honestly I found no problems in the balance of this map both teams always had a fair chance. (Needs more Cowbell.) Durability: 5/10 This is your maps weakest point I found the spawns were a little messed up. you could easily escape the map by grenade jumping off of a deployable cover. Another problem I noticed in the game is you forgot to put the run time maximum down so at one point in the game there were two Gravity hammers in the match and it got kind of hectic. Aesthetics: 10/10 What can I say this map looked really good. I loved the shield doors on the roof they were very well placed so well placed in fact I found myself gazing up at it in the middle of a match. Your walls were also very straight and neat. Originality: 8/10 There were some very unique features of the such as the Shield door arrangement on the roof and the raised shield doors in the playing area. But the layout of the map felt like I had played on it before although its not that big of an issue. Overall score (Average of the above): 8/10 This map is really well built it looks really good and is perfectly balanced the only thing that needs working out are some spawns and the maps durability.
5/5 This is great. I think you are great at Forge and you have made my day by posting this, It is Cool. Thanks for the map!
Thanks for the review! A few things I feel I need to comment about regarding the review. The runtime maximum on the hammer is set to 1, so there shouldn't be 2 running around the map, I'm assuming this was caused by lag or some connection problem. Map durability is always an issue I'm concerned with. I always give my greatest attempt to prevent players from easily leaving my map, but sometimes things cannot be avoided. I've used every immovable object this map has to offer and it would be impossible to fix such a thing. I could remove the deployable cover from the map, but it really adds to the overall dynamic of the map. You really won't find another map that uses a deployable cover as well as this map does and I wanted to show it can be useful. I'm glad you brought up spawns, because they are a tricky subject on this map. There are basically 5 places to spawn on this map, the four corners and the center of the map. Because of the small number of unique places to spawn, there will always be some questionable spawns here and there. That being said I'll go back and try to see if I can build a better spawning system for the map.
This look pretty sweet DTL, but then again,so do all of your maps. I'm a sucker for setups that are tight,yet open and I love the Electric roof aesthetic. You obviously have my download.