Hello, Forgehub. This is my first map created in the new Halo 2 forge. The map is "U" shape with two symmetrical bases and a central structure in the middle. I am planning on adding more structures and some infantry only hallways and enclosed spaces. Any advice on where the structures should be or some aspects that should be fixed or looked into would be appreciated.
What you have so far is good. Additional cover and pathing for infantry is definitely needed though. Infantry paths would be good on both the inside and outside edges. I would take notice of how it was done on all of the Blood Gulch iterations, with stretches of both well protected and exposed sections. I would also add a bit more structure in the center of the map (either by using structural pieces, or by varying elevation more with the natural pieces).
Perhaps put a room in that center structure ? It would be a nice place for a king of the kill objective or neutral bomb spawn. Other than that and what Chunk aid, the map looks great.
I agree. Looks cool so far but vehicles would dominate any infantry trying to move in around because it's so open. Also there are some very long lines of sight. Adding in the forementioned cover could help with that.
Thank you all for the comments. I have added some additional cover and a raised walkway that spans the open space.