A Recommendation for Naming Our Maps: SUPER FUN REVISED EDITION

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by PlebLife, Nov 9, 2014.


Do you support "The Map Identification Standardization Agreement: SUPER FUN REVISED EDITION"?

  1. Sounds good to me!

  2. I have no clue what I'm looking at.

    0 vote(s)
  3. No, I have legitimate points of discontent with the proposal.

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    0 vote(s)
  5. I am struck with complete and absolute indifference.

  1. PlebLife

    PlebLife Legendary

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    A Recommendation for Naming Our Maps: SUPER FUN REVISED EDITION
    (Previously known as the "Map Identification Standardization Agreement," but that name sounded inappropriate for the nature of the message I wanted to convey."

    Dear fellow forgers and customs gamers,
    When the great feature we have all learned to love, Forge, was created, a problem was created simultaneously. That problem being the difficulty of keeping our saved maps and gametypes organized and easily accessible for custom gaming. We would guess and check, keep spreadsheets, or just result to playing the maps and gametypes we were familiar with despite our vast and diverse collections of them.

    However, on the eve of the release of MCC, we have an opportunity to correct this error once and for all. Here is my proposal.
    Map names can follow the formula:
    [Gametype Abbreviation]+[“ “]+[Name]+[“ “]+[Optional Map Version]

    Now this may look confusing, but I assure you, it is a whole lot simpler than you might think.

    Here is the example I will use to explain this formula:
    [FLD]+[“ “]+[Spooky House]+[“ “]+[V1.03]

    Simplified, the full name of the map would look like this:
    FLD Spooky House V1.03

    The “FLD” in the example represents the category of Flood gametypes in Halo 4. I have made a list of acronyms to represent each gametype category in Halo 2 Anniversary, Halo 3, and Halo 4.
    Here’s the list:

    Halo 2 Anniversary
    “Assault” - “ASLT"
    "Basic Editing” - “BEDT
    “Capture the Flag” - “CTF"
    “Infection” - “INFC"
    “Juggernaut” - “JUG"
    “King of the Hill” - “KOTH”
    “Oddball” - “ODD"
    "Race" - "RACE"
    "Ricochet" - "RIC"
    “Slayer” - “SLAY”
    “Territories” - "TER"
    Halo 3
    “Assault” - “ASLT"
    “Capture the Flag” - “CTF"
    “Infection” - “INFC"
    “Juggernaut” - “JUG"
    “King of the Hill” - “KOTH"
    “Oddball” - "ODD"
    “Slayer” - “SLAY"
    “Territories” - "TER"
    “VIP” - “VIP"​

    Halo 4
    "Basic Editing” - “BEDT
    “Capture the Flag” - “CTF"
    “Dominion” - “DOM"
    “Extraction” - “EXT”
    “Flood” - “FLD”
    “Grifball” - “GRIF"
    “King of the Hill” - “KOTH”
    “Oddball” - “ODD"
    “Regicide” - “REG"
    “Slayer” - “SLAY”​

    Now, there are a few instances where there are no appropriate acronyms. So I have thought of these ones to fill in those gaps.

    if a map uses and modded gametype which doesn't appear in any gametype category - “MOD”

    if a map is an aesthetic map or another type of non-conventional map designed without particular gametype in mind - "GT=0"

    if a map was designed to be played with multiple gametypes in different gametype categories - [“GT=“]+[amount of gametypes]
    random example:

    Also just to clarify, mentioning a map version isn’t necessary, but if you chose to indicate one, you can do so in a format similar to the formate used in the example.
    The example was:

    Okay, so this formula would organize all the maps into groups by their gametypes, but how do we tell which specific gametype to use with each map? Do not fret, I have a solution for that as well!
    The map description can follow this formula:
    [Description]+[“ “]+[Gametype(s)]+[“ “]+[Amount of Players]

    Again, not nearly a compacted as it may look.

    Here's an example of the formula filled in:
    [This house was built on top of a Native American burial ground, oops.]+[“ “]+[Dancing Skeletons OR Flood]+[“ “]+[8-14]

    Simplified, the description would look like this:
    This house was built on top of a Native American burial ground, oops. Dancing Skeletons OR Flood 8-14

    Not bad at all, right?

    Originally when I wrote this proposal, I wasn’t sure how to approach it. So I put it in the most specific and technical terms possible. I’m not used to posting in forums, and the only times I have consistently posted in any forum was for an online geopolitical simulator. A game where treaties would be written, signed, and broken in the forum on a daily basis. I guess when I was thinking of how to convey this idea to you guys, I just defaulted to what I knew best. If you took the time to read this revised version, I sincerely appreciate it. Please consider using this system. I believe that if we, the core forging community, universally adopt this method, then overtime, this method will just become the new norm for naming maps in Halo games.

    If you are interested in using this method, please go right ahead.

    If you want to show you support for this method, you can write you gamertag in a reply to this thread and I will add it to the list of people who support this method.

    Thank you for your time and patients,
    GT: The Pleb Life

    alternate post:

    current Signatories supporters:
    #1 PlebLife, Nov 9, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2014
    oVR likes this.
  2. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I would suggest creating a poll for something like this. Obviously being overly professional helps but when it comes to practicality, a simple clear message with numerical poll support is often the best way to obtain results. If you so choose, I would recommend fashioning the poll to be IP specific so that users can vote towards this without needing to sign in or register an account anywhere. This would also make sharing the poll across different community websites easily accessible for people.

    A "Folder" system is something we've been begging for, hopefully by the time Halo 5 comes out we can rally enough support for this. Commendable efforts, keep it up!
    theSpinCycle likes this.
  3. PlebLife

    PlebLife Legendary

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    Thank you so much for the criticism! Right know, I'm going to see how this new version is received, and depending on its reception, I will make the IP specific poll you suggested.

    Also, I've decided to split the folder petition into a different post that will come later once this proposal has settled, regardless if it succeeds or not. Thanks again for the feedback!
  4. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I think you should have 3 options for the poll. 1.) Would you like to organize your maps and gametypes with a folder creation system? YES / NO / Don't Care

    Simple question at the top of the page so people understand your goal.
  5. PlebLife

    PlebLife Legendary

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    I see where your coming from and I'll probably post a thread with the poll about folders sometime next week. Simple and to the point. If the poll shows people DO want a folder system, then I'll create a petition to collect gamertags to eventually send to 343.
    We could just send 343 the positive results from the poll, but I imagine they would take a list of people's gamertags a whole lot more seriously than just a numerical value displayed by a poll. That's my interpretation of the situation at least, if you would have a different approach I'm interested to hear it.

    Right now though, I'm going to continue trying to raise awareness about my proposal for naming maps as a temporary solution.
  6. KingTaxMan

    KingTaxMan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    GT - s1995 Plus Tax.
    Yeah I like the idea and will adopt it once I get an Xbox One. In the meantime I'm on here to see pics and building strategies on as many maps as possible. I spent countless hours building maps in H3 and Halo Reach, roughly 25 and loved it. Looking forward to getting back in with the forge hub folks and perhaps make some new friends to play mine and others maps. Thanks for the effort!

    Here's one map of my work
    - http://halo.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=106748359
  7. PlebLife

    PlebLife Legendary

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    I'm glad you like the idea and thank you for your support!
    I'll look forward to your new maps, whenever they may be.

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