This is my first map reveal, first map for my first map pack, its my second map ive made in MCC so still getting used to using terrain pieces.. But yeah its currently in Beta stage so ready to be tested at some point. I will be taking more pics at some point Would just like to know what you think of the overview of the map?[user]=122759679&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0
Looks good man, I'm assuming by the roads looking parts that this'll be a very vehicle heavy map. I look forward to seeing more of this.
Cheers mate, The current vehicles are 1 hog, 1 gun goose and 1 normal goose at each base, i was going to do it a heavy vehicle map but i have tun out of pieces... so i couldnt make the map much bigger, its not actually that big when your on the map, definitely quicker on a vehicle but theres plenty of anti vehicle weapons if you have to go by foot.. aka, plasma pistols, brute shots, snipers etc
From the overview, it looks like there are some overly long sightlines. Perhaps the topology will break this up much like the slight elevational variation on coagulation? Oh and I know this is purely for preview so I didn't expect you to submit this in the maps section - just as a reminder, there is a map submission system for final work.
Well you probably cant see it which is understnadable but it is a tunnel, and the tunnel does curve so you cant actually look from one base straight through to the other, lots of bits in the way, this is one thing i made sure of! I would have added more buildings, made the road go up hill slightly etc but i used up the 650 pieces so i couldnt add any more... but that is one thing ive made sure of, the sniper towers only have limited sight lines, thats the only weapon you can comfortably camp with to get but like i said its in beta stage so all weapon placements could move around, weapons like shot gun, bruteshot etc are in the middle of the tunnels. Oh really, i did look but this was all i could find really, havent been on this site in years, since reach tbh.. but yeah no its not final at all, still alot of work to do but its mainly just a lot of tweaking, moving buildings around and weapons adding and taking away stuff... The original plan for this map, i can add a picture of my plan when i release the rest of the pics but there we're also going to be a hornet at each side of the map which could fly over the top of the hill, couldnt land on it but could fly over the top and obviously each base would have rocket launchers and other anti air weapons and it was also going to be a bigger map with better base areas and more vehicles but yeah, maybe H5... never know..