Maximus IL submitted a new map: Halodrome - Play Ricochet, CTF, Oddball, Extraction, KoTH, Slayer, and even Grifball on a coliseum-inspired map. Read more about this map...
Maximus IL updated Halodrome with a new update entry: Cosmetic Changes Read the rest of this update entry...
You mentioned that this was designed for the contest. I thought you might want to know that they are looking for maps that are 2LP capable. SNIPE 316 at waypoint...
Damn. Well, I guess if 2LP capable = no frame drops in 2 player, I'm SOL. It's not the pretty stuff that slows it; it's the whole central structure. I could do without the dominion shields in the basement, but most of the frame drops come when looking cross-map in 2LP. While I could fix it, it would have to be a completely different map . . . and I don't have time to do that before the deadline.
I know how tough it can be on impact. I have been spending days eviscerating my map Hekau to get it to work well.
I should have done it on Ravine or Forge Island, but I like the contrast on Impact. Stupid. Anyway, the map is so-so unless you're playing Ricochet or just casual Slayer. Extraction isn't bad, either. I think it's really fun for Ricochet, but I played a game of CTF with Squeak & Co. on it, and it was pretty repetitive. Not a good way to fix it for CTF, either, without a complete redo. Argh. Well, I guess this is another learning experience. Perhaps map #4 will go better. Hard to get all gametypes to play well on one map.
The good news on Halodrome is that the additional Ricochet testing went really well. The one comment for change was to move the goals closer to the front of the platform rather than having them pushed against the back wall. I'll play with it more to see if that would work. It might make it more difficult to run it in, as the sides of the bases are designed to give running paths for a goal pushed against the back wall (and they do work if used . . . I used them last night to good effect).