Personally, I'd like to see more pics. One pic sorta doesn't cut it, even for simple maps like this. Looks pretty good based on the one pic, but I still want to be sure. But I'll still DL and add to this post when I get to go through. EDIT: I thought that the bomber was fully explorable... I was wrong, but it's still a good replica. It would be cool if it was higher up and dropped fusion coils and power cores, like the "Flying Saucers" map that was featured not long ago. A player-operated bomber would be the coolest thing ever! If you plan on releasing a V2 soon, I'd try to make it explorable and/or player operated.
Actually.... As stated on page 326 of the essential guide to imperial star fighters a tie bomber follows a length to width ratio of 27 to 29 wheras yours apears to be 26 to 29, while small in an aesthetic map this blunder could reduce the max speed of a real tie bomber by 2 to 3 lightyears/hour (at 3/4 throttle). I would appreciate if in the future you would verify the dimensions before making a claim of perfect scale
looks good and i appericate how decated you are to take 10 hours on it (was it 10 hours straight?) i have a couple of questions though, can you go inside?, and can we see some more pics?
Wings should be bigger. Only complaint. Nice job, should have had Vader inside and use shield doors for the glass. Vader kicks ass.
Those were all the bridges I could use as wings..adding anything else would have ruined the model i think.