this map consists of a base looking over avalance the attakers soawn on the base and the defenders spawn at a smaller base if you do not under stand then here are some pics Download here-
People really need to stop posting the exact same thing. "Hey just an update for u the pix dont work" "pics still dont work" etc. Would it kill you to just try out the map without screenshots? Edit: I've just started it up and it actually is pretty cool, it takes place outside of avalanche, on a cliff.
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domo arigato, Mister Chief with needler ass Just kidding, i really like that pic because, come on, it happens to everyone and you know you are gonna die. Mostly because your shields are down and slowly the needles begin popping, and you are all "Holy $H!T" and the guy you just killed is watching you before he respawns, laughing at you. I would say that about sums it up.
Good concept, but once again, I think you could benefit from interlocking and using another player's perspective when placing objects (read my last post on Pillar of Spring). Because the ground on that part of Avalanche is so darn bumpy, I don't think that having a ground base could ever be good looking, at least not if you build it on that one spot. Either find flatter ground, or make the base slightly off the ground, yet accessible. I know that someone in competitive maps had a similar base and did an awesome job on it. I think it was called "Towers" or something like that.
yeah i did the save changes then end game thing um i made the warthog ramp thing bumpy on purpose so number 1 its hard to get to the frigate and number two so it would look like the explosions damaged it like on the last lvl so the roughness of it was on purpose but the frigate was not
Is the armory a bunch of weapons in a big pile with maximum clips and what not? if it is, that knocks the rating down a whole rank. however, if you know how to make a REAL armory, as in "only a couple of each weapon, 0-1 extra clips, 1 of each power weapon, no extra clips... etc" then ok never mind
yup its just a few wepons with nothing extra added to them only 2 items it is a rocket launcher x2 spartan laser x2 and thats it
The over hang is a good idea, however it seems kind of ruined by the aestetic Quality along with the Armory.
no it makes it better for zombies if there not so its like save one bullet varient and it supports zombies i think =)