So I went back to reach and played a few games the other day. When I played anniversary playlist the weapons felt sluggish like they were very ineffective. I sort of liked this. It made the firefights more engaging ... anyone else get the same feel?
Me? Nope. I get the opposite feel.. that the firefights are more engaging because the killtimes were faster and the weapons were effective. Subjective stuff..
I am almost alone on ttis, but i loved bloom. It created a skill gap that i personally think should be apperent between a bad and good player, but a BK with a dmr in h4 can still destroy you. while kill times were faster, bloom slowed it down, atleast for kids who didnt pace there shots...
If bullet magnetism didn't cancel the effect of bloom so much then the bloom mechanic could have worked better. When you have two offsetting mechanics, bloom and bullet magnetism, that end up canceling each other out most of the time then you would be better of removing both and allowing the user's aim to truely shine rather than unintuitive game mechanics. I am of the opinion that if a weapon is going to be classed as a "precision weapon" then it should fire where I aim. Every time.
It was more realistic. Even with a rifle that is a precision weapon, if you carelessly fire as fast as you can without making each shot count, then you will have to fire much more to do the same amount of damage as if you were to pace your shots and never miss, if you have ever fired a rifle, you would know this. If I start to get shot in the back in h4, unless the person is really bad, it is extremely difficult to turn and out shoot them, because they can shoot as fast as possible and still hit every shot. In reach, even with bullet magnetism, if you fired as fast as possible, you cant make a 5 shot after medium to long distance, so if you got shot in the back, turned around and paced your shots, their lack of discipline and skill would allow you to win most of the time. In halo 4, its like call of duty. First shot wins.
While the concept of bloom is a unique one I am not a fan of it on precision weapons in Halo. There are other methods of enforcing a cadence. The Beam Rifle punishes the player through a rate-of-fire penalty by overheating if fired too fast. Damage could drop if fired too fast. I have no problem with enforcing a cadence but accomplishing that feat by introducing an accuracy penalty is not the answer, especially when the game has a mechanic that counter acts the effects of bloom.
The moment halo players think of bloom, they think of Reach. Let me clear this up for everybody: Reach was the WORST possible implementation of bloom possible. IT WAS AWFUL. Why? Because the random option was better than the non-random option. How to fix Reach: 1. Bloom expands the reticle to a much bigger size than your opponent's body 2. Bloom contracts quickly (in terms of the RoF) Pretty much every gun with bloom in the Halo franchise has failed these two measly criteria. No wonder people think so badly of bloom.
If it were anything like CoD then you would simply drop on the first shot and I would be looking for a new game..
oh, don't exaggerate, unless you play in hardcore, you need like 2 bullets to drop btw, they never discovered body armours or kevlar vests in COD?
I mean if a noob gets a shot ahead, the weapons are so accurate and without punishment for not pacing shots that is extremely hard to come back.