After playing for another 2 hours it's frozen twice on me... Had to restart about 4 missions back the first time, and haven't turned on my xbox since the 2nd. Rather disappointing, I hope this won't be a problem throughout the game...
Is your console an older one? I haven't heard anything about widespread freezing, and haven't had it myself, though I did have a couple brief stutters while driving - my console's old so I chalked it up to that. I think this game is pushing the 360 as far as it can be pushed.
They delayed multiplayer so they could have an extra two weeks to work on it. This game is win. Massive step up from GTA IV. Good jerb Rerkster P.S Sharks are scary as ****
Haven't had any freezing issues on my launch model so far after ~7 hours of gameplay. Really loving the game so far, it feels like San Andreas 2.
Likewise. And the three-character aspect is fantastic. The scope of this feels really big to me - in the middle of playing last night and this morning, I ended up taking a break from missions and just starting cruising around wherever I felt like going, and the map is enormous and so varied. I ended up in this crazy brightly-colored hippie area in the desert, then stole a dirt bike, drove across a sandbar out into a river or lake, and went for a swim - ended up so far from shore that I got disoriented and lost my bike for a while. What a cool game.
My first attempt to drive a truck all the way up to the biggest mountain via a dirtbike road did not end well.
I haven't tackled the giant mountain yet. It's on my list though. I can't wait til the online comes out - I'm very curious how lively the map will be compared to how it is in single player. If it's even close to the same, that's going to be amazing.
Yeah, it's an older model. I played a little bit after that post and it didn't freeze... Got my fingers crossed. I haven't gone outside the city yet XD I'm gonna try and play the game the way it wants me to, at least for a while, and stick around where the missions are. Not really a spoiler but anyways: Spoiler I love how Franklin and Michael meet.
In reply to the spoiler - yeah, me too! That was a very clever way to do things. It was cool too because the dialogue in that part was in one of the trailers, but not in that way, so I was expecting to hear that in a cut scene or something; the way they did it was a nice inversion of my expectations.
Grove Street from GTA : San Andreas is actually in GTA V, I saw it yesterday, that is just awesome. I am really busy with the storyline, and I'm loving every bit of it so far! Also extremely curious about the map editor, really curious. Can't wait to find out more about it.
Am I the only one having gameplay issues? It froze twice yesterday in 40 minutes.. My xbox is horizontal with nothing blocking the vents, it has at least 3 gb of free space, and again, this has never happened before. It happened once after I failed a mission and the loading screen took 5 minutes so I restarted it, and then everything froze while driving after the 1st heist mission. Pretty frustrating. Next time I'll try to wait it out...
That is really weird. My Xbox is old, but the only issue I sometimes get is that it gets overheated, and makes loud noises. But I don't have that while playing GTA V, not in a while anyway. Are you sure It doesn't get overheated, maybe dust in the vents? GTA V is a really heavy game, still, you are able to play Halo 4 so you should be able to play GTA V too. I also heard the following, do NOT install the play disc, install the install disc and then insert the play disc. It makes the game play smoother. This only applies to Xbox users. How did you install it?
I installed the install disk not the play disc. I played a little just now and it worked fine. Idk, must be something with dust in the vents. I'll open it up or something (it's long past warranty)
I also heard texture popping issues are greatly reduced when the game is installed on a USB. I did so and didn't even know there were any such issues until I read about it online somewhere.
Yeah, I've had no problems and my XBox is so old, Moses was the previous owner. The only texture pop-in I experienced was while playing a round of golf - I walked up to the tee and immediately hit the button to get an overview of the hole, and when the camera came back it took a second to fill in the texture of the ground. But driving around all over the map I've seen no significant pop-in, and I'm running it off the disc, too.
I've gotten some major pop in while driving the fastest car down a straight away but that's pretty much it. Played for a good 3-4 hours last night and didn't freeze at all. I guess it only freezes when I forget to save. Murphy's law for ya
I'm calling it now - best GTA ever. The online is just gravy (though honestly I can't wait to see what it's like).
I agree completely. Honestly, I really didn't like GTA IV. I have played all of them, and after GTA IV.. I just felt dissapointed with that one. But man, GTA V, is a masterpiece. How many % are you guys on? I am on 47%, and I finished one of the best missions ever, and the best mission so far in GTA V. It was so epic, to awesome for words . I really love the updated weapons, and the car tuning. I got a Bugatti Veyron, and tuned it immediatly. Its great that you can armor your vehicle, install a better engine, bulletproof tires for the cops, and more. (Colored smoke from your tires
I'm at 50% or so, the missions are really fast paced and diverse. It's awesome. I haven't encountered any sharks yet... but I'm very afraid. You have no idea, I hate open water stuff